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Huevos___Rancheros OP t1_j6k9o2d wrote

There is no point in arguing with someone who says this movie is for kids. The director himself said that it wasn’t, that’s the end of the conversation right there.


Ok-Survey-9077 t1_j6k9uf5 wrote

He said it wasn’t just for kids, not that it wasn’t for kids.


DoreenFromReddit t1_j6ljeea wrote

I'm just gonna jump in here it was fun reading that little exchange. But it seems like an interesting take that you would find that to be a kids movie after watching it. My wife and I both found it to be definitely not a kids movie. Either way it's interesting how we can all see things different ways and hopefully we can remember that we are on reddit talking about a movie.


editordeb87 t1_j6k9zu9 wrote

Thank you <3 I mean its for everyone. But def not something you have kids watch alone. It can create WONDERFUL conversations about life and death between kids ad their parents but would I say hey 4 year old timmy can watch this alone. No, I wouldnt.