Submitted by buffordsclifford t3_10jvg7b in movies

Some men are naturally intimidating basically from the start of adulthood. Say… Mike Tyson. He looked right out of central casting as a fearsome tough guy when he was a teenager.

But many men only really start to look intimidating when their skin becomes rough, lined and craggy. We see this with many actors, as although some can play tough guys for almost their whole careers (John Wayne, Clint Eastwood etc etc) some only develop this at a specific age and don’t look threatening at all before that.

What are the strongest examples of this?

Brian Cranston was universally seen as an adorable cool dad until he shaved his head and started to look a little weathered, now he’s the one who knocks.

I would also say Liam Neeson had action roles when he was fairly young, but he was more a of a heartthrob back then and only really became typecast as a grizzled badass when he hit middle age.



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