Submitted by Mindless-Spend-2972 t3_1162gfw in newhampshire

My fiancé surprised me with a night away in North Conway, place is booked already and as sweet as the gesture is he has nothing planned. Any ideas of places/things we can check out or restaurant suggestions? I know the area somewhat as we go a couple times a year but usually I have more planning time! Any suggestions are appreciated! Ps- I’m not from Mass



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Wide_Television_7074 t1_j94siyp wrote

OP, good choice! I like The Moat for post-outdoor activity BBQ and beers, Ledge Brewing for beers, and Red Parka Pub for live music. All those are a close drive. I like to have a beer at the pub at the Cranmore or Bear Peak bases, it’s easy parking and fun to soak in the ski scene; it’s normally pretty low key though. Delaneys is also good, Horsefeathers is hit or miss but I like to hang out on the second floor on Sundays as most people are heading out. Check out Zeb’s General Store, and shopping/strolling on Main Street. If you have a house, the butcher shop going into town has great products! I suggest the brekkie sausage and smoked bacons, also pick up farm fresh eggs. Another fun activity is checking out day time love music at Tuckerman Brewing in Conway; super fun during the warmer/sunnier days in fall/winter/spring. Sherman Farm can be a nice trip to walk around. Black Cap Trail is a good short hike with easy parking. Drive out to the Glen House hotel in Jackson and have a beer while looking up to the alpine country. My wife and I are starting to try the restaurants at all the local Inns — Oxford is next, but there are so many!

Edit: also love Cigar Shenanigans! Great cigars, cocktails, and whiskeys. Also, it’s dog friendly… there are typically dogs hanging around.


Mindless-Spend-2972 OP t1_j96myit wrote

I don’t get the negative comments on this, my fiancé and I don’t drink but I do appreciate the advice on where to go, people watching is always fun!


brain_freese t1_j97y5l6 wrote

I have been sober for several years - I still recommend you check out Moat. Delicious food there.


comefromawayfan2022 t1_j9ajl0z wrote

Is black cap trailhead currently accessible? I thought I heard that road closes in winter


Northcountrynative t1_j96bk3l wrote

I’m just gonna say it, downvotes be damned: you sound like you have a drinking problem and I hope you aren’t driving around the upper valley all wasted like you are obviously describing doing.


tourdedance t1_j96gx9k wrote

Oh yes, because he obviously hits up all of those places every time he’s there


Northcountrynative t1_j96j1yl wrote

One of these stops is enough to get impaired. He’s describing going to them regularly. Drinking and driving is a law of averages- if you do it regularly, you absolutely WILL end up causing an accident, regardless of how much “practice” you’ve put in. Plus, it’s trashy as hell.


soullessgingerlol t1_j96tzi0 wrote

You are insane. People are capable of going somewhere for dinner and having 1 beer, one drink or one glass of wine. What in the actual fuck are you talking about?


Northcountrynative t1_j96wpc0 wrote

Lemme help you: yata


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j9749ya wrote

you’ve been on Reddit for 2 days — tone it down, it’s a marathon not a sprint. I don’t drink to get drunk, I’m not a college student, and I’ve lived in the valley since 1996. but, because you mentioned it, Fast Taxi (previously Turtle Taxi) is super affordable and convenient — we use them when we go out on weekend and plan to be out late.


soullessgingerlol t1_j97glj9 wrote

Katie for the win. Idk if she still owns it, but when my first son was born, we didn't have a car for the first 2 month he was alive so we depended on fast taxi for his dr appointments and for the grocery store. She would bring me to the Dr, then tell me she had to stop at Hannaford for her lunch if I needed anything I could run in too. I know she didn't need to stop and was doing me a favor. Awesome company. And you're right, affordable.


Northcountrynative t1_j98g2a0 wrote

I’m actually responding to this guy’s “am I the asshole” post about screaming at his pregnant fiancée.


soulbarn t1_j96k93s wrote

We lived in that area for years, our go-to restaurant for a really good, romantic meal was the Cider Co. in Glen.


CarlBrault t1_j95th86 wrote

Red fox for breakfast on Sunday is a must.


TheToneKing t1_j95vy49 wrote

The Shovel Handle Pub at Black Mtn is a hidden gem. The suggestions from Wide-Television below are on point. North Conway is a magical place! Enjoy!


trailing-edge t1_j963guf wrote

Mt Washington…take the snow cat up to treeline.


tadamhicks t1_j96ma0x wrote

Max’s at Snow Village Inn and Thompson House Eatery.


soullessgingerlol t1_j96ve5t wrote

May Kelly's Cottage is excellent. Red Fox in Jackson has great food, it is a bit pricey, but it's worth it, I think. Main Street in North Conway is cute and has lots of shops. Zebs is great. Schouler Park is a nice place to take a coffee from either the Met or Frontside Grind. Frontside is better imo, but to each their own. Big Dave's Bagels is awesome. Idk if you ski, but there are lots of mountains around and lots of x country trails locally. I live here, feel free to DM if you have any questions!

Edit: Banners for breakfast!


JMD331 t1_j97qg1i wrote

White mountain cider company is the BEST restaurant around. A bit upscale but worth it!


MommaGuy t1_j98qpfo wrote

Eastern Slope Inn for Flat Bread Company pizza.


wheeelchairassassins t1_j98vnmc wrote

Local here... My husband and I are picky. I used to be fine with food up here, then lived in southern cities for several years and came back with him and, well, there is no comparison. We eat at home or from Five Guys because after 15 years, you are bound to discover the local businesses weaknesses. Mostly I'm just not a fan of how all the food tastes the same or is unreasonably overpriced, even when food prices aren't soaring, and few able to deliver in a well done steak/burger.

HOWEVER, Caribbean Spice Cafe, where the Blueberry Muffin used to be. Doesn't even look open, but I would order from them again and again just to wait and hang out with the owner and staff because they are so much fun. It helps their food is incredible.

Best real actual fried chicken I have had since moving back from my time south of the Mason-Dixon line. Get the rice and beans as your side, too. Delish!


hermansupreme t1_j9h5hhg wrote

Interesting reddit name.


wheeelchairassassins t1_j9htpgr wrote

Imaginary internet points if you know the origin.


hermansupreme t1_j9jk62c wrote

☹️ I do not know. No points for me. My spouse is paraplegic and we have joked about them becoming an assassin so I thought it was funny/ironic.


wheeelchairassassins t1_j9phlqu wrote

Hah! Well, that's pretty good - too.

I shall enlighten - it's from the book "Infinite Jest". Quick blurb from its wiki (it's pretty funny, I think).

>Les Assassins en Fauteuils Roulants (A.F.R.), known in English as the Wheelchair Assassins, are a Quebecois separatist group.... The A.F.R. has its roots in a childhood game in which miners' sons line up alongside a train track and compete to be the last one to jump across the path of an oncoming train, an activity in which many were killed or maimed.

The group is one of many separatist groups that are all trying to get their hands on "Infinite Jest"

>...the missing master copy of a film cartridge, titled Infinite Jest and referred to in the novel as "the Entertainment" or "the samizdat". The film is so entertaining to its viewers that they become lifeless, losing all interest in anything other than endless viewings of the film. Quebec separatists are interested in acquiring a Master, redistributable copy of the work.

...The book is a bajillion pages, it took me like 5 attempts over several years before making it through, it doesn't make sense 47% of the time, there is no real ending or resolution and it's fucking brilliant.

There is a herd of feral hamsters that roams New England, which is now part of Quebec. If I were in that universe, I 100% would be one of the Wheelchair Assassins, or the AFR. I'd attempt to explain the plot, but there is none, really, because it's just about life and life has no point - it's just a never-ending joke....thus, the Infinite Jest.

If you ever really want to get brave and settle in for a 981 pg (single-spaced, size 10 typeface) book that will twist your brain into pretzels trying to figure out what the fuck is happening, all the while laughing wildly at what is happening because it's all so outrageously absurd - I highly recommend! Honestly, though, it's a War and Peace kind of book. Everyone wants to, many try, few succeed. I'm not sure how I am one. Seriously. Anyway....That's the Wheelchair Assassins. :)


MesaVerde87 t1_j95qoem wrote

Other than restaurants, you may want to check out Living Shores Aquarium. You could probably kill an hour in there.


soullessgingerlol t1_j96ubzu wrote

No. That place is really small and everyone I know including myself says they wouldn't go back for the price. It's $25 bucks and unless you really have nothing better to do at all, I wouldn't recommend that place..


kberson t1_j95v8hl wrote

You absolutely have to stop at Zeb’s General Store, this landmark store carries everything you can imagine, and if you can get out without buying some fudge I’d be surprised.


comefromawayfan2022 t1_j9ajgmo wrote

I'm from ossipee and even I prefer to drive into North Conway for restaurants. There's literally practically nothing good in my area outside of a couple places and I prefer the fact that north Conway has more places to choose from. I ate at deacon street over the summer and loved it. And deacon street is a bit off the main street so I found I got in pretty quickly


xtnh t1_j9grcaf wrote

"as sweet as the gesture is he has nothing planned"

I bet that is not true.


twosquarewheels t1_j95njku wrote

Portland is pretty close. Everything here is shit. Especially the food scene. We were 10 years behind any trends then covid happened.
