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nobbyv t1_j7024mt wrote

Nitrogen-filled tires still drop pressure as temps drop.


ThisIsNotTuna t1_j71sdeg wrote

Not to mention the fact that "normal" air is already mostly nitrogen anyway, so...this point is moot.


billintreefiddy t1_j702jpy wrote

Not nearly as much. I’ve had my truck a year with nitrogen and they’ve only fluctuated 1-2 psi.


nobbyv t1_j704tx7 wrote

It’s true they don’t drop as much. They still drop enough to be significant. Nitrogen filled tires drop pressure by 1.9% for every 10F drop in temperature. A tire filled to 35PSI at 90F will be down almost 7PSI at the -10F temps we will see on Saturday. If you’ve only noticed a 1-2PSI change over temp, you’re either not driving it during wide temp fluctuations or are not paying attention.


billintreefiddy t1_j704x5o wrote

It simply is true. It’s a 2022 vehicle and I leave the tire pressure up on display at all times.


nobbyv t1_j71m5uv wrote

Ah. I see. Then your truck must exist in a realm that uses a different set of physics than the ones we use here.