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Emptyplates t1_j7094rd wrote

My tauntauns are safely in their pens. We're set to hunker down for 48 hours. Which we were going to do anyway. Lazy. No freezing before we reach the first marker here.


StudioOwl t1_j70h68z wrote

Ironically our “Ice and Snow” festival had to postpone to Sunday. Ditto. Hunkering down. Opening door only to potty the dogs at warp speed.


Glucose12 t1_j70p5s8 wrote

It's been nice knowing y'all.

Better luck in the next existence.


gmcgath t1_j71n7q2 wrote

Working on a song inspired by the pre-dawn howling wind.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j71oiko wrote

I’m going to spend the weekend deep cleaning my apartment because I’m not leaving it for anything.


movdqa t1_j71pccz wrote

My daughter told me that the heat index where she is right now is 99. That's a bit warm for me.

I'm going out for a walk this morning. It might be a short walk. We'll see. I have balaclavas and a ski mask for cold, windy weather.


joostadood526 t1_j71pg2j wrote

I'll be at work... Nope. Not a first responder or even other essential type worker. I'm a Chef. I can't imagine how many people are going to be coming into a restaurant. Moved up from the south last year and this is pretty insane to me.


manbunsandkayaks t1_j72r6k0 wrote

Idiotically me I didn’t even think of this as an issue and planned to walk through Sunday to see what was left up when I get to the area for a ski week.

Thank you for this! (Rescheduling and having me own up to my duhhh moment)


movdqa t1_j731xdg wrote

I just got back from walking around outside. 1.75 miles, 29 minutes, wind chill -10. Skin temperature started at 80 degrees and dropped to 60.8 degrees. My toes were starting to get numb but the rest of my body was fine. My core was probably too warm as I was a bit overdressed. I want to go out at -20 and -30 just to see what it feels like. I'll have to use a flashlight as it will be dark when it gets to -30.


checdc t1_j74ppki wrote

Gonna be 50 next week 😁


rainbow_goblin345 t1_j758wxv wrote

My teen, who won't take off their winter coat inside all season because they're too sensitive to the cold, is ticked at me for not letting them walk to the corner store at sunset. I kinda want to shove them outside for half an hour tomorrow to prove my point.