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woolsocksandsandals t1_j71slph wrote

That’s a pretty cool site. I looked it up and it’s not a super long drive from my house. Definitely gonna put that on the list for spring adventures.


bleucheese87 OP t1_j71sxg4 wrote

It's on a trail system that is a pretty easy hike with a couple great views. Make sure you continue the hike to the "Moon Ledge View" it's an amazing view. I believe you can see 3 states from it, Mass, NH and Vermont.


woolsocksandsandals t1_j71t375 wrote

Cool. Good to know, thanks


Bornwithregret2 t1_j7m1lfw wrote

Also be careful, I was at the moon ledge this past summer, and walked right into two giant red ant mountains, probably a foot high and three feet wide


_Epidemic_ t1_j7tbi5l wrote

>giant red ant mountains

That's absolutely terrifying and potentially deadly.


4runner01 t1_j71v8zd wrote

I was there in October. Cool place with an interesting story.

Preplan any hiking, as the trails aren’t very well marked. Maybe take a picture of the map located at the parking lot.


bleucheese87 OP t1_j71vl95 wrote

Very good point, thank you. The woods are pretty dense there too.


SoMuchFunBike t1_j72q36v wrote

Reminds me of that one scene from lord of the rings


TrailsNH t1_j72lefa wrote

There are lot's of picture if the staircase on Instagram.

A few old ones of people on the the stairs, and under the arches. Crazy to think about now that part of it has fallen.


OldEnoughToKnowButtr t1_j7hyds2 wrote

Yeah, I remember asking peeps to not climb on them, was told to stop being a Karen...


JunkMilesDavis t1_j71xhaj wrote

Very nice! The first time I visited there, I actually wandered in from the Pisgah State Park side, over Bear and Daniels mountain. Didn't even realize there were connector trails all the way through until I came down and saw one of the signs. Never got to see the stairs intact like that unfortunately - they were already partially collapsed.