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ZimofZord t1_j8xs5rw wrote

You will be back when you need water lol


CHECK_FLOKI t1_j8ym1ny wrote

I'm not sure why so many people are moving to a desert. Its puzzling


SharpCookie232 t1_j8zf9e2 wrote

I feel like every other story on r/collapse is about how they're running out of water in the southwest and people are having to abandon their homes, and yet. . . people are still moving there. Weird.


greenglasstree t1_j8ymdlg wrote

I mean, by that time people may have developed those suits that recycle the water in your body so you only lose a few ml per day if you're out in the desert...


Pbtflakes t1_j8yqocs wrote

Walk without rhythm, and we won't attract the worm...


feathered-quill t1_j8y7ktc wrote

I could never do that, I have to be able to see and ocean!!!! But good luck OP, seriously, no more winters…lucky you!!!!