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newenglandpolarbear t1_j9gwapi wrote

Highly recommend using the offline maps feature in google maps. downloads the whole state to your phone. While GPS may not work, at least you have a map to help out. I digress, don't trust the GPS 100%.


movdqa t1_j9jzowe wrote

I often carry an iPad on long trips and my copilot manages the device. GPS usually doesn't give you the big picture so that you can't verify that your route is reasonable while driving while an iPad will give you a good view of your trip and allow you to easily zoom in. We use Google Maps in offline mode of course.

I wish that Apple Maps had similar functionality.

It's always nice to have a second opinion on routes as well.


glitteryunicornlady t1_j9klwid wrote

I do that as well. Also, I love your username.


[deleted] t1_j9lc5km wrote



glitteryunicornlady t1_j9mj4kz wrote

Me too. Unfortunately, most of my loved ones do not, and are moving south at an accelerated rate. I've been telling people I'm "50% polar bear" for years to help explain my lack of chill. 😄