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UncleRicosWig t1_j9hmg3s wrote

lol I always looked at it keeping flat landers out, but keeping young educated in is a bonus


raxnbury t1_j9hnk5v wrote

Man, flatlanders are so weird. I was out in the upper Midwest for work a couple weeks ago. Drove from Indianapolis to Columbus and my god is it weird out there. The best was the billboards, “adult superstore!” “Jesus saves” “abortion kills babies” “guns’r’us” just on repeat. Meanwhile every little “town” I drove through half the buildings and houses were boarded up and falling down.

You ever been up to graft on county? Basically the same lol


CactusCoffee3 t1_j9jkr78 wrote

Basing the Midwest on billboards and small towns eh? Theres so much diversity in the Midwest so summing it up by a drive through cities isn’t fair. The cities are so different from the country there…. It’s like night and day


raxnbury t1_j9jm5os wrote

I’ve travelled all over the Midwest. The cities are nice and I enjoy visiting. It’s the small dead towns scattered absolutely everywhere that look like they’re stuck 30 years in the past is what I was talking about. I don’t consider the larger city people “flatlanders”.