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aladdyn2 t1_j7b0bc0 wrote

Confidently incorrect. You think -15f and 20 mph wind is normal? It's clear you don't know what you're talking about. You shouldn't be scaring people here on the sub.


DeerFlyHater t1_j7bjjvd wrote

> You think -15f and 20 mph wind is normal?

Yes. It's cold. It's below average. It's not extreme. It's a northern New England state-cold is normal.

There were a few -12s here in the Lakes Region last year and much colder further north. It was -18 yesterday morning. Zero problems with any heat. I spent four years living in Alaska-another state which is supposed to get cold. Never had a problem with the heat despite colder temps than yesterday.

Not all of the sub lives on the MA border.

I can't figure out if you're on the repair side and giving kickbacks to the sales people for selling undersized stuff or the other way around.

If your heat is not keeping up with normal weather and the house is appropriately insulated, there is a problem. It may not be something is malfunctioning-it could be a mistake when buying an undersized system.


aladdyn2 t1_j7bnokf wrote

Again if you think that is normal weather you are just plain wrong. Alaska has different weather then us... You really do seem clueless.

Properly sized equipment is not sized for extreme weather. If you design your ac here for 100 degree weather and heat for -20 your systems are oversized. Your system kept up? Good for you, enjoy wasting money on the poor efficiency of your oversized system 99% of the heating season. If you need to be at 70 during the extreme ends of our temp range then it's wise to have an auxiliary heat source


DeerFlyHater t1_j7dhav7 wrote

> You really do seem clueless.

Hey, I'm not the one telling people it is normal for someone's heat not to work.

My system is perfectly sized for my house.