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TreeHuggingHippyMan t1_j77hexi wrote

Yeup I had the same thought. Go out in my bathrobe in -10 and one starts but not my 2006 TJ :(


lskNH OP t1_j77jv51 wrote

Bathrobe? did you get forstbite? I'm going to Market Basket and will be dressed for the antarctic.


lellololes t1_j78aeor wrote

You *could* go out to start your car naked in -10F weather.

As long as you're not hanging around outside you'll be fine. At -10F with 30mph wind you'll be fine for 5 minutes (Frostbite calculator says 9 minutes at that temp/wind)

Not that I'd recommend it, mind you. If you locked yourself out of your house you'd have a problem pretty quickly.