Submitted by lskNH t3_10tha3c in newhampshire

I'm wondering if I should try to start my car today, even if I don't need to go anywhere, or just wait until tomorrow. Will waiting cause more or less damage to the battery? I was thinking I should drive it around for awhile to rev up the battery but what if it won't start and I just drain down the battery for nothing. No garage. Thanks for your thoughts.



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movdqa t1_j76nv7x wrote

I bought a battery charger back in the 1990s when batteries only lasted a couple of years. I've had Toyotas starting in 2000 and haven't needed it since then. I just replace the battery when recommended. I do recall the nuisance of calling AAA when the battery was dead and waiting 2 hours for service because a ton of other people had the same problem. Cars today are just so much more reliable than before.

It's getting up to 43 degrees tomorrow so you could just wait.

It's always good to have a friend with jumper cables if you get stuck.

I have to go to Boston today so I will definitely test things out but I'm going to wait until were in the positive temps.


DeerFlyHater t1_j76v34u wrote

Just leave it alone. It's not even that cold out.

It will be fine provided it is already in good shape mechanically.

I didn't have a garage the four years I lived in Alaska. No vehicle issues.


jgren91 t1_j775moi wrote

It'll be fine. Starting the car now might hurt the battery more than help it. Was the battery already weak or are you just taking precautions?


TreeHuggingHippyMan t1_j77hexi wrote

Yeup I had the same thought. Go out in my bathrobe in -10 and one starts but not my 2006 TJ :(


cutyolegsout t1_j77i61q wrote

I mean if you start it you'll want to let it idle for a while to recharge the battery. If the battery is old, it's likely dead and will need to be replaced anyway.


Sandi_T t1_j77ixlp wrote

I'd wait. I HAD to go out yesterday and the battery died even though I had driven it pretty far. The alternator puts out like a champ and the thing still died.

When it's warmer the alternator can better keep up with the excessive draw caused by the cold. I had no other option but didn't realize my battery was "weak". It was working fine so long as the weather wasn't this cold, but then it was like... "Yeah, I ain't doin' this, man." RIP little battery... RIP.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j77lg2q wrote

Just let it sit. Diesel gets weird at low temps but gas is fine. If you're really concerned go grab some stabil.


lellololes t1_j78aeor wrote

You *could* go out to start your car naked in -10F weather.

As long as you're not hanging around outside you'll be fine. At -10F with 30mph wind you'll be fine for 5 minutes (Frostbite calculator says 9 minutes at that temp/wind)

Not that I'd recommend it, mind you. If you locked yourself out of your house you'd have a problem pretty quickly.


doejn61617 t1_j78mihb wrote

Starts car goes inside, comes out and cars gone…..