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TurretLauncher OP t1_j93r8aa wrote

Thankless or not, somebody should step up and declare their candidacy. People in Ukraine are literally dying for their country right now, just as Americans did in 1776 ("Give me liberty, or give me death!"). Simply doing a "thankless" job for your town is way easier.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j94bkyl wrote

I mean, that’s a pretty wide comparison. Yeah, it’s a much easier job compared to putting down your barber scissors and picking up a stinger missile to shoot down a Russian Jet. But that’s like telling someone who just had a broke limb to quit whining because people in Africa get their limbs cut off or Syrian children are getting gassed. Is it true? Sure.. is it a fair comparison? No even remotely.

The fact is that just caring about your town zoning will not prepare you for this role. As with any government entity, there’s much more to It then just going in and fixing things or changing things, hell a president can’t get fuck all done if they don’t control the house. You have to be willing to give up large amounts of your time, deal with knuckleheads, big developers with money and lawyers, all sorts of pains in the asses, for no pay, and often disappointing results. Most people who would be good candidates for these positions are also family people, working people, who between work and family can barely scrape together enough time to make dinner, let alone do the work required to prepare for each weekly meeting.

I’m not saying this to discourage possible valid candidates, for Amherst and towns across NE. I hope more people do take active roles in small government. I just want to really point out the silly comparison that you used. Like, I’m sure you get mad when you stub your toe or someone cuts you off in traffic, but have you ever considered that in Afghanistan women aren’t allowed to drive at all and will be killed if they’re eyebrows are seen?

Yeah, not super relatable is it?


TurretLauncher OP t1_j94fv2u wrote

It’s a fair comparison. The Founding Fathers put their lives on the line so people could have democratic freedoms. Some of those people today are too lazy to even vote.

Given that the current candidates are a Q-Anon and a Free Stater, a candidate whose qualifications are minimal could easily be elected.

As for the lack of pay, Amherst should consider changing that. State representatives get two (2) Benjamins per term. Maybe Amherst could spare a few nickels (or even dimes!) for its Planning Board members?


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j941kuo wrote

Go for it


TurretLauncher OP t1_j94b9ji wrote

You are incorrectly assuming that I could be a candidate, which isn’t possible due to the requirement that all candidates must currently be Amherst residents.