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z-eldapin t1_j7lj7qg wrote

Had me until rent.

I thought these were being built for affordable housing. For the people that can't afford to buy a big old house.

If these were for sale, then the people that are currently renting while waiting to buy would move out of the rental, opening that rental unit up for the exact people that this project claims to be geared toward. That would be addressing the housing issue on 2 fronts.

This is just a money grab in the guise of 'helpful solution'.

Also, the rent is what my 2 BR apartment in Winchester Arms was. And it was double the size.


lendluke t1_j7tzz5s wrote

Every new development will be a "money grab". Do you think a developer shouldn't try to get a much profit as possible without fraud? If this is successful, they'll have more capital to continue increasing the housing supply, which will marginally reduce/slow the rise of rents and make buying cheaper (the two are correlated even if these aren't being sold).


z-eldapin t1_j7u3k3q wrote

Then say that.

DON'T come out and say that there is some altruistic motivation.