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exhaustedretailwench t1_ja5drc0 wrote

"inverted trough axis"

talk nerdy to me, Cloud Boy


TheCloudBoy OP t1_ja5lu1q wrote

Norlun instability trough axes are the next fun one I can't wait to unload here


TJsName t1_ja6h1wl wrote

I'm wondering if I got caught in one a few years back (late December, maybe 2013?). Curious what your take is on this.

I was hiking Boott Spur (southern ridge on Mt Washington) and we encounters some incredibly heavy snow right at sunset. Probably coming down at 3 inches an hour, but with zero wind. We could talk normally as we navigated cairn to cairn back down to tree line. It was surreal. As we drove home (up to Gorham) it went from 10+ inches of snow to basically nothing, and then coming back down 93, we drove through an strip of snowfall that was maybe a mile or two long. It looked like a tornado of snow had gone through! I tried to figure out what would cause that, and my best guess was a Norlun trough.