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SgtToastie t1_j7ur3gp wrote

Your source literally says that the roads aren't self funded and rely on at least $144 million in federal subsidies. That's not "paying for itself".

FY2023 report states say Transportation costs are at $680,627,309. Our dedicated intake from highways tolls, car reg, and other miscellaneous funds is $432,055,480. After that federal highway funding that'd leave around $104 million coming out the general tax funds each year. How did you reach the conclusion that it's self funded from that?


KrissaKray t1_j7urfoq wrote

Didddddd you know gas taxes aren’t just state?


SgtToastie t1_j7usfyr wrote

If you want to try analyzing the Federal Highway Trust Fund and show the match between the inlays to NH and the outlays over the various fuel taxes be my guest, you still haven't addressed the nearly $100 million deficit. Kinda weird you ignore that part completely.


AdditionalAioli6394 t1_j7usxuo wrote

When was the last time the federal gas tax was raised? It's long past due.


deadliftothersup t1_j7wpvs4 wrote

Over 25 years ago and it's a hard coded number, not based on inflation, so every year national gas tax has contributed less to maintaining roads. Also local roads are far more heavily funded via property taxes. Gas taxes, federal and state don't come close to paying for themselves.