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FaustusC t1_j7v7sey wrote

lmfao WHO WANTS AND NEEDS THEM? People who don't like or care about the way of life here and want to make New Hampshire like whatever congested shithole they're fleeing?

Manchester is it's own Metro area, dipshit. Connecting it to a larger one with more competition isn't going to improve conditions here, it's going to improve them for whoever we take the slack from.

Congratulations, you don't get it. That's what's already happening and yet, we're still not building affordable housing. Rents up the Coast of New Hampshire have sky rocketed the past two years to Boston rates. Manchester is getting there unless you want to live with either cockroaches, drugs or robbery. NO ONE IS BUILDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND TAKING AWAY THE HOUSING HERE FOR NEW PEOPLE WON'T MAGIC NEW HOUSING INTO EXISTENCE.


nowhereman1223 t1_j7vu29t wrote

What is your proposal to fix the problem?

The housing market is profit driven, the companies have found little to no profit in low income and affordable housing. So they stopped providing it and raised rents etc.

Do you propose the Govt mandate, regulate, and subsidize housing to ensure people can get in to affordable housing?

If you don't want that, how should it be done?


Dramatic_Mechanic815 t1_j7x2tbu wrote

Wealth brings investment (such as new housing…), tax revenue, etc. If people could affordably commute to Boston for higher wages, it would bring prosperity to Manchester, too. Simple economics. Have you tried to find a high wage “white collar” job in NH? Good luck. The few “job creators” that have made the news here in NH have been warehouses and distribution centers. Not exactly high wage.