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RickyDaytonaJr t1_ja0bhur wrote

If you drive prudently for the conditions, you’ll be fine. A few tips: 1) Heading northbound, there is a long downhill section between Exit 11 and Exit 12. Cops are always waiting at the bottom to bust northbound drivers coming down that hill. 2) Heading northbound, there is a steep downhill section into a curve immediately after the Springfield Rest Area. Be very careful in this section in the winter. 3) Heading southbound, there is a steep climb to Exit 16. This section is prone to icing winter conditions. Don’t follow any trucks in this section in the winter, because they often can’t make the climb and they don’t realize it until it’s too late.


sterlingbrooks t1_ja17d7t wrote

To add to this - the state police will use aircraft to enforce speed between exits 10 and 12a, usually southbound. I watch and listen to them do laps for a couple hours on nice days...


Bulky-Point-3062 t1_ja4fyaa wrote

To add to this, in general going slower than you think you need to in Enfield, heading northbound right before the rest stop is a good time to prepare to coast and NOT use your brakes. I've seen many accidents coming down that hill from people who try to brake to control their speed going down, and wind up on the guardrail or in the ditch.