Submitted by u6dmYkPV0Qf t3_110j9l0 in newhampshire

I'm looking for some great locations I can take my son to do some binocular and telescope-based star viewing. We currently live outside Manchester but even in the surrounding towns, we're catching a lot of light pollution from Manchester. I was hoping to find a park somewhere east of Manchester that's open, quiet, and doesn't have light pollution.

Thanks in advance.



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Icy-Neck-2422 t1_j895g8e wrote

You may want to hit up New Hampshire Astronomical Society on FB to see if they have any recommendations.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_j8963y6 wrote

I would drive to the Hancock Overlook on the Kanc. I’ve gone there several times. It’s a pretty spot on moonlit nights, and very dark on moonless nights, but easy to get to. I’ve taken my small telescope there a few times in the past, but there is an active amateur astronomy community in NH, so search that out. You son could look though some of these folks high end scopes and he might get hooked on astronomy. I did as a kid…


BlueRabbitx t1_j8986b5 wrote

Track solar flares in March you may even be able to see an Aurora


BrentD22 t1_j89o3g3 wrote

Not south… my favorite spot is Square Ledge in Pinkham notch. Great spot to lie down and enjoy.


grafvonorlok t1_j89pvmx wrote

Maybe the wrong direction but Pitcher mountain in Stoddard might be a good choice. It's a tiny little open top mountain/hill. Maybe ten minutes up to the top from the parking area. Stoddard had really low light pollution in my experience. Definitely would fit your open and quiet hopes for sure


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_j89rp1n wrote

I’ve gone to the track at Livingston before to use mine, not a bad area. Also Benedictine Park in Bedford


RobertPosteChild t1_j8crubn wrote

The old Crotched Mountain East lot in Francestown at the top of Mountain Rd. My dad used to take us up there with telescopes when I was a kid.