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MiggySmalls6767 t1_j8mkrqc wrote

There should be a local recruiter near you. Stay away from the Marines but AF/Navy are a cake walk and Army can bring you some fun places.

Get your GI bill and go to school. Save up your money while you’re in. You’ll thank me later.


Historical_Pie_5193 t1_j8ntopk wrote

Great advice. The AF and Navy have the best schooling and can really set you up for success after. I chose the MC. I missed out on the good schools but I can shoot like a mf and nothing really scares me much anymore.


MiggySmalls6767 t1_j8o87p8 wrote

Haha I went Army and I’d say my experience wasn’t much different. But I was also infantry. Lotta other positions offered for people to actually get some real world skills other than SPORTS and how to be homeless 😂😂.

But the payout on the backend has been well worth all those times with the dick in the dirt.

If you can get all that AND live in those AF barracks tho… I’d take that too😂