Submitted by Coolhuman1505_ t3_112ftpq in newhampshire

I semi-recently left my previous job at a well known local restaurant chain, due to certain things going on I’m not going to get into, (very nasty things being discussed in the kitchen/dish room we will not be eating there anymore) and didn’t have another job lined up. I knew it was a bad idea, but I really didn’t have much of a choice. Anyway I’m looking for a new job, preferably either outside or with good hard physical work. I’m 17/yo and live in the Belmont area. I’m good for anything within 20 minutes of my town.



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smartest_kobold t1_j8k6vcn wrote

Good for you. Red Arrow treats their employees like shit on top of all that.


Resolution_Wonderful t1_j8k8obs wrote

Get into landscaping and stick to a good routine , you’ll work long hours and make good money . Don’t worry about the 100 days of hell either .


DeerFlyHater t1_j8k8rsr wrote

I'm assuming you are still in school with your plans being solidified for after graduation right?

If not, we have a problem that should be addressed first. [off my soapbox now]

If your plans are good, just grab another part time job at a restaurant or similar-that industry has tons of transition. Builders are always hiring hard workers, but don't expect much in the way of benefits, you'll have to have a way to get yourself to a site, and I kind of doubt many will be thrilled at using a guy for just a few more months before you go off and do your post high school plans.

As a general rule though, nasty things get discussed in kitchens and outdoor trades. The further away from a cube farm you go, the more honest the discussions tend to be.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j8kgc55 wrote

I’d offer you a position for summer help at my sawmill but it’s a bit far for you. Look for local sawmills, loggers, hell go ask All Metals in Belmont if they’re hiring. Manual labor jobs need dedicated tough employees. Just make sure you’re really up for it, I can’t count how many young men have come asking for a job, we put them on and either they don’t make it long because it’s too tough, or winter rolls around and the elements cause them to seek indoor employment.


TheScienceTM t1_j8kzvxx wrote

The trades are always hiring, and if you stick with it and get licensed the pay is great


quaffee t1_j8l9lm2 wrote

So where should we avoid and what is going on there? Name and shame.


joostadood526 t1_j8ljxz3 wrote

Restaurants are a rough business, I've been doing it since I was your age. Any place will hire you with any experience and a pulse.


JayBisky t1_j8m9gsa wrote

Get into a trade you'll be earning 6 figures in 5 years


QAgirl94 t1_j8mfcj5 wrote

Wilton comminity farm has an apprenticeship program. They provide housing and food and a small salary.


MiggySmalls6767 t1_j8mkrqc wrote

There should be a local recruiter near you. Stay away from the Marines but AF/Navy are a cake walk and Army can bring you some fun places.

Get your GI bill and go to school. Save up your money while you’re in. You’ll thank me later.


Oakley7677 t1_j8nenhx wrote

There are a million jobs out there. Put on a collared shirt tuck it in, bring a pen, and go any local business you want to work for and ask them if they are hiring.


MiggySmalls6767 t1_j8o87p8 wrote

Haha I went Army and I’d say my experience wasn’t much different. But I was also infantry. Lotta other positions offered for people to actually get some real world skills other than SPORTS and how to be homeless 😂😂.

But the payout on the backend has been well worth all those times with the dick in the dirt.

If you can get all that AND live in those AF barracks tho… I’d take that too😂