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plz1 t1_j9x210j wrote

All 3 safety officials? There's plenty more white supremacists in NH, if that's what you meant.


angryjonny_1 t1_j9x2r79 wrote

Lol. No there isn’t.


paraplegic_T_Rex t1_j9x5mx9 wrote

You’re very ignorant if you believe this. There are thousands of these people in every state.


ScuttleBuzz t1_j9xecz9 wrote

Yep! Cripes, there are more than 3 running for school board school in my district alone.


603ify t1_j9yghrn wrote

And this is where the left completely outs themselves as being disingenuous. They’ll start by saying we should condemn white supremacy. The right will be like, we totally agree, but what white supremacists are you even talking about? Then the left will literally be like white supremacists are anyone who don’t support our race based politics and garbage “equity” policies forced down everyone’s throat by big gov.


HikeEveryMountain t1_j9yo2j2 wrote

Are you seriously arguing that if I can't personally name a white supremacist then there aren't any? I can't name any arsonists, does that mean that there are no arsonists too? I don't know the names of any senators from Idaho, so Idaho must not have senators, right?

I don't have to personally identify or name them to know they exist. I see "white lives matter" signs in front of houses. I report graffiti swastikas to my town multiple times per year. My state and local officials, whom I pay with my taxes, have identified white supremacist activity on my behalf, and issued this warning, so that I don't have to waste my time with those scumbags.

Want to talk about disingenuous, how about we address this concept of "if you won't doxx the white supremacists on Reddit then they don't exist"?


603ify t1_j9yorw6 wrote

There’s a difference between, doesn’t exist, and is not prevalent in our society at all.

White lives matter and all lives matter are not white supremacy statements btw? By your logic saying white lives matter is white supremacy? Then is saying Black Lives Matter black supremacy?


603ify t1_j9xbjls wrote

Oh please this isn’t 1950


Big_Hoss15 t1_j9y4okr wrote

you don’t know what you’re talking about so go post somewhere else


603ify t1_j9ygogg wrote

No I think I’m good, I’ll keep posting and I’m dying to see these nonexistent white supremacists in the meantime.


Mynewuseraccountname t1_j9ywmo5 wrote

"I'm dying to see white supremacists"


Sounds like you're part of the problem. Most of us don't want them around.


603ify t1_ja6dhzq wrote

I’m dying to see proof of them cause to this day it’s like the boogeyman to the left yet they never actually seem to… checks notes… exist?


Greyskies405 t1_j9y7vef wrote know the KKK is still a thing right


603ify t1_j9yfxp5 wrote

Yeah they’re so relevant in todays society and totally exist in any meaningful capacity /s


Greyskies405 t1_j9zhrb4 wrote Do you pay attention to current events at all?

Their recruitment has been astronomical since COVID


Glucose12 t1_j9ygqd1 wrote

Oh, they definitely exist - as a continuing branch of the Democratic Party.



603ify t1_j9yif5c wrote

I think the issue here is our definition of white supremacists. The right see’s white suprematists as someone who believes other races are inferior and uses intimidation and threats to harass other races. The left says white supremacists all the time but what they mean are just anyone who doesn’t vote for their candidates.


Glucose12 t1_j9ylktz wrote

> vote for their candidates.

Or merely disagree with them on a variety of issues.


603ify t1_j9ymcv7 wrote

Yeah basically. Don’t support our massive government over reach to redistribute wealth in the name of “social justice”. Then you’re a white supremacist.


[deleted] t1_j9z9643 wrote



Glucose12 t1_ja0bxpw wrote

You know, Republicans are banning books that reprogram children into groomable victims.

Fixed it for ya.


besafenh t1_j9ypszd wrote

A friend’s wife, born here to Mexican parents legally in CA, back when there was a migrant worker program, was “schooled” in her use of patrimonial white supremacy by a white 20-something woman, when using “Latina” instead of “Latinx”.

Pero no, blanquita…


YBMExile t1_j9ymfwq wrote

White Nationalists are everywhere. It’s a problem.