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ninjamansidekick t1_j9zwium wrote

Probably, if we get off the internet and away from social media it is amazing how humane and decent most people are. I tend to think that alot of the extremism on all sides is astro turfed and amplified to for clicks and and clout.


lome88 t1_j9zz8lw wrote

Very much this. I moved back to CT years ago but lived in NH for north of a decade. It always surprises people down here when I say NH is a lot more tolerant than people realize, it's just that they're quiet about it. The one defining characteristic of a born and bred NH person is that they mind their own damn business and expect you to do the same. If you bring noise into their communities, you will get spoken to.

Of course there's pockets. It breaks my heart visiting friends up in NH and seeing the Trump signs on the road, but I know those are pretty isolated from what a lot of people up there feel.


Lurk_Real_Close t1_ja1b84n wrote

I’d like to agree, but I’m not sure that’s as true as it used to be. As someone posted above, the racism in ordinary NH folks really came out with the Obama presidency. And then Trump capitalized on that. There is a lot of hate and division in NH these days.