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SheeEttin t1_j8sz2bb wrote

There's no law that says that. ATF form 4473 asks whether you are an "unlawful user of, or addicted to" marijuana, etc. It doesn't say anything about a MMJ card. You can have a card and not use marijuana, and you can use marijuana and not have a card. They're not related.


moosesgunsmithing t1_j8wrmdt wrote

Yes there is. Marijuana is federally prohibited and the form 4473 is a federal form. Per the ATFs package to FFLs Marijuana use of any kind makes you a prohibited person.


RoadAdventures t1_j8wvgou wrote

> Yes there is. Marijuana is federally prohibited and the form 4473 is a federal form. Per the ATFs package to FFLs Marijuana use of any kind makes you a prohibited person.

Absolutely correct.

You forgot to add that lying on 4473 is a felony, and that the feds love prosecuting anyone they catch doing that, so advising someone to omit their marijuana use when filling the 4473 is basically telling them to ask to be jailed.


SheeEttin t1_j8x006c wrote

Yes, but the question was about having a card, not using marijuana.


moosesgunsmithing t1_j8x0mdc wrote

The feds don't care if you have a card or not


SheeEttin t1_j8xa8yd wrote

That's what I said.


ironiczealot t1_j8xg25x wrote

Don't know how u/moosesgunsmithing meant his comment, but the Supreme Court has ruled that even if courts can't prove usage, merely having a med card is prima facie evidence of being a user. They very much do give a shit.


moosesgunsmithing t1_j8xgg9o wrote

As far as the feds are concerned, based on the communications I have had directly with the ATF, they treat having a medical card as being automatically an unlawful user and therefore a prohibited person. So that is what I meant.