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Fraggle-of-the-rock t1_jaw1jzi wrote

It would be great but unfortunately we can’t find any plows guys that want to work. My husband has been out straight plowing with all these storms and I’m pretty worried about his stress level.


WhatIsThisDoingHere t1_jaxb8il wrote

The country is at a fifty-year record for low unemployment. The only way the phrase ‘nobody wants to work’ holds any water is if you add ‘for the low wages I’m offering’ at the end of it.


SIGfntik t1_jawdea1 wrote

Plow guys work but they have jobs lined up. You have to get ahead of it you can’t call them the morning of and expect them to show up. Money talks $


Fraggle-of-the-rock t1_jawnhc2 wrote

No, my husband IS a plow guy but he can’t find anyone to pay to work with him. Plow guys work their asses off


SIGfntik t1_jawnpwo wrote

That they do. The way you worded that before you edited it made it seem like you were trying to hire a plow guy. My apologies.


overdoing_it t1_jawgbjn wrote

I have had more problems with plow guys... nobody can do a gravel driveway without shearing off the top layer and leaving it in a pile at the end. I'd pay $100+ for every plowing if someone could come at the right time (after the snow stops) and do it carefully.

I fired 4 of them and ended up just buying a 36" snowblower so I can do it myself in about 2 hours, not counting all the shoveling.


WhatIsThisDoingHere t1_jaxel1t wrote

You have a gravel driveway. That’s what happens when you have a gravel driveway. It’s not a question of ‘doing it carefully’, it’s simple physics. The snow freezes to the material on the top layer and it all gets pushed up by the plow.

You might be able to find a guy who would be willing to put shoes on his plow to lift the blade off the surface, but that would leave behind a layer of compacted ice on the entire driveway that I’m sure you would be equally displeased by and fire him too.


overdoing_it t1_jaxkioi wrote

Ice is fine, that's what I do with my snowblower. Leave an inch or two of compacted snow and let it freeze. It doesn't make it any more difficult to drive in and I either use shoe spikes or there's enough snow left on the surface that it isn't slippery.

I put cat litter down around the area leading to my door if it gets really slippery so delivery drivers don't slip.


Cullen7777 t1_jazuhu3 wrote

Imagine having this guy on your route? Yeesh! No thanks!


overdoing_it t1_jazyanf wrote

Well it's not exactly optional, either deliver packages or quit and find a better job.