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TheCloudBoy t1_jaxpmlt wrote

Tag me next time so I can at least defend my forecast; part of the reason why people like me is I'll tell you why it didn't pan out as expected. The southern end of the 12-16" band in Dover & Rochester is the only notable bust in the forecast grids for the entire state; that's a win any day, especially given the level of detail provided in my last forecast here!

The reason behind the shortfall is thermal profiles (which I discussed at length in previous posts) were abysmal both at the start and remained that way over your neck of the woods for the majority of the event. Your storm average dry & wet-bulb temperatures hovered between 32-33 degrees, a clear signal that snow ratios were not great. Also consider that totals eclipsed 14" a mere ~15 miles to your north, it was that fine of a line. As for WMUR's forecast, they had you in the 8-14" blob so they a) weren't more accurate and b) technically busted by fewer inches than I did.


mc_lean10 t1_jay3evi wrote

I plowed all around that area today.. was about a foot. You were close enough. Keep doing your thing 🍻


nullcompany t1_jb08vpb wrote

Any professional daring enough to share their expert perspectives on a social media platform, with the goal of appeasing anybody, is going to combine the passion of their craft with the feedback of people who have none.

With your successes, there will become a game of identifying your failures. It feels amazing to point out someone else is wrong, the reward exists and some people collect it.

Engagement is the onramp to burn-out. As one professional to another, I encourage you to find ways to throw all your fan mail in the trash. I win arguments at work all the time but I have never won a single argument on Reddit.