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Hot_Legless_Dogs t1_je7w85r wrote

There's no fine, but they will bill you for the renewal all the way back to the date of expiration. So you'll still have to pay a full year of registration even though you waited (and got a ticket). I always thought that was BS.


Mindless-Narwhal7974 OP t1_je7wmw5 wrote

That's lame, so basically I pay for the year (Oct-Mar) and then another year on top of that and it only counts for this year? Weird.


PM_Georgia_Okeefe t1_je801j3 wrote

Not as lame as not paying your registration in the first place.


Mindless-Narwhal7974 OP t1_je8kwae wrote

Would think you would be a bit more understanding of a person considering you're missing your colon completely. Don't be a dick!


Jay_Derkin t1_je96fwa wrote

Holy shit dude fuck you. What an absolute piece of shit thing to say to someone with an incurable disease.


Mindless-Narwhal7974 OP t1_jeaxyc5 wrote

Having an incurable disease isn't a free pass to walk around being a prick to everyone, sorry.


KrissaKray t1_jeelzmx wrote

I mean, if you paid it in the first place, you wouldn't be in this pickle now though. Unless you're 16 and just started driving or you're brand new to the state, your ignorance of the law here is kind of mind-boggling


Vomitus_The_Emetic t1_je9g4yk wrote

Your boy comma splice only came into the thread to be a dick. I think ops comment is warranted and hilarious


Hot_Legless_Dogs t1_je7wq1j wrote

Well like, when did your previous registration expire?


Mindless-Narwhal7974 OP t1_je7wxfa wrote

Late October 2022. So it's been expired for about 5 months or so.


Hot_Legless_Dogs t1_je7xf3x wrote

Okay so yes, unless there's been a change, they'll make you pay basically the same amount as you would have for a whole year if you'd renewed last October, but your renewed reg will only be good through October 2024.

This may have changed but I don't think it has. And maybe there's a cutoff I'm not aware of. They screw you over on the basis of assuming you've been driving anyway so you have to pay for it. Basically they frame it as billing you for all of those months you've been driving without having registered. Really sucks when money is already tight. Hopefully I'm wrong about this and they've changed the policy but just so you know going in.


JennyB443 t1_je8akfk wrote

No, you pay for November to the following October, regardless of when in the year you pay it. You’ll be paying for it to be registered for 2023 this time, and then come October, you’ll be paying for 2024. There are no late fees, though, so there’s that.