Submitted by NoOneLikesTunaHere t3_11u8q1i in newhampshire

I saw the Timber Post Bed & Breakfast in Hollis, NH was advertising very inexpensive rooms for certain nights. Is this common practice in NH? It seems too good to be true. The specific room is the The Gray Room, and it seems to be on nights that are in the middle of the week, adding to the legitimacy.

What do ya'll think? Is this common practice? Has anyone ever stayed here? Are there other inns in more touristy locations offering similar specials on the off-season?



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plz1 t1_jcn091u wrote

It's either a typo for $130 or you're going to be murdered in your sleep.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcn0exe wrote

Could be both. Is Hollis crappy? I thought all of NH was quaint and safe.


leckmir t1_jcn0vob wrote

Hollis is one of the most desirable towns in southern NH.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcn18ir wrote

Wow! This is really a good deal then. Thank you!


bonanzapineapple t1_jcn21ap wrote

Does the room have electricity/running water? Or is just a cabin in the woods


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcn2c29 wrote

There are lamps in the photos so I am going to assume yes to electricity. It appears to be one big structure with multiple rooms. Breakfast is included too!


Devtunes t1_jcn96q7 wrote

Its a nice quiet town with lots of farms, orchards and woods. It doesn't really have any bad neighborhoods. Its near Nashua, which is an ok small city. I can't see anyone getting a room for $13/night, so that's certainly fishy. Have you reached out to the owner and checked it out on google street view?


blzac33 t1_jcn4t94 wrote

It’s definitely a pricing error.


Jrzgrl1119 t1_jcnj4oo wrote

I live in the town next to Hollis. It's a beautiful, desirable town. I drive past this b&b often. It's definitely a pricing error.


gmcgath t1_jcozg2w wrote

I used to live in Hollis. The people there are the worst.


Boats_are_fun t1_jcmy1d2 wrote

I have literally no idea. Seems to good to be true. Check trip advisor


dojijosu t1_jcmzzoj wrote

There’s a glorified campground in Hollis that has unheated cabins with no power. Is that the case?


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcn04u1 wrote

Even then, that is a pretty good deal for a campground. The site clearly depicts a structure near farms.


MarieCurieNotMaMere t1_jcnce1g wrote

No, Timber Post is a legit antique colonial with big barn turned B&B. On Broad St/rt 130, the main road headed from Nashua to Hollis Center.
Only heard good things about this place.


thread100 t1_jcnm7w1 wrote

Agree. Beautiful area. We raised our kids there. I don’t get the $13 though. The tax would be that much.


Lumpyyyyy t1_jcn5ruy wrote

I drive past that every day. A coworker of mine lived there for 6 months before finding real housing. He said it was fine but the owners was creepy.


ohhellothere1234567 t1_jcna3rc wrote

I've never been there, but I live really close. They offer the locals a place to warm up and shower when we have power outages, so that's cool.

Not sure why you would want to vacation here though. Not a whole lot going on.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcnfuch wrote

I am driving up to Montreal for spring break. Was looking to make a road trip out of it. Was not even considering this area but the price was too attractive. It seems that there is something wrong with either the price or the establishment itself. I really appreciate the feedback, but the last thing I need for my trip is to get into some Stephen King BS so far from home.


weneedsound t1_jcufpf1 wrote

I live in Hollis. This B&B is on Broad St, which is a main road from the highway into Hollis. This B&B is in an old historical farm house. I would say this is a pricing error. Hollis is a small town, and there isn't a whole lot going on here, it is a nice town for raising a family, but not a tourist destination. I think it is more suited for people visiting family in town.


MusicalMerlin1973 t1_jcnbgpj wrote

Hollis is safe and fine. I don’t know about that place.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcngu4p wrote

Yeah, it does not add up. A place this supposedly nice for only 13 dollars? I appreciate the feedback, but something smells fishy, and I mean besides your silver lake.


baxterstate t1_jcowd6k wrote

If it’s a pricing error, are they required to honor it just like a big box store must?


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcpr0xt wrote

Well people on here are suggesting it is a typo, but 13 is not even close to the typical nightly price, and it is a one off on an off night, so I thought it might be a good sale. TBH, I was hoping to stay in some place with more to offer, but this deal was too good to not look into.


I_amSleeping t1_jcn0o16 wrote

It looks nice from the pictures


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcn13w3 wrote

I do not think it is worth the usual nightly price that google is showing. The website talks about a place called Silver Lake, is that any good?


jgren91 t1_jcn6u51 wrote

Silver lake has a swim advisory like every year for most of the summer. Water is dirty from the birds


I_amSleeping t1_jcn732h wrote

I always thought it was dirty from the swimmers using it as a bathroom.


lizyouwerebeer t1_jcqljgm wrote

My ex boyfriend went there as a kid and was horrified to see a piece of poop floating in the water by him. He never went back. My mom use to took me and my siblings there and we all ended up with ear infections. We also never went back.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcn7op9 wrote

Thanks for the feedback, I have a sensitive immune system and this would not be good. I wonder how such a prestigious town can have such a toilet?


jgren91 t1_jcnbsf4 wrote

It's like that in a lot of the smaller bodies of water in the summer.


MarieCurieNotMaMere t1_jcnfgl8 wrote

Too many houses and septic systems built around such a small lake. Last year was a Cyanobacteria bloom. Silver Lake makes news for being stagnant with no fresh water to replenish other than rain. It's a NH State Park and utilized throughout summer by busloads of children from Mass. Grounds are nice as a green space with picnic tables, just stay out of the water.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcnrji1 wrote

Are you saying the water is bad because of dirty Massachusetts children and not clean New Hampshire children? 🧐


weneedsound t1_jcui1bz wrote

No, the lake is spring fed and doesn't stay cold enough, so cyanobacteria is a problem. Before regulations locked things down, people bought land and built homes right up against the edge of the lake. Many of the houses are little fishing shacks, probably built in the 50s. The septic systems are most likely grandfathered in. The lake is being monitored/studied by the state university, hopefully they'll figure out the source of the issues. I would not recommend swimming there, feels like swimming in warm bathwater mid summer.


JennyB443 t1_jcpb2ku wrote

… have you tried calling them to verify?


Edelmaniac t1_jcr4k1f wrote

If you saw a place for $13 in the shittiest town you know would you think it was legit or a typo?

Hollis is not a shitty town.


TreeBarkFleshLight t1_jcn8q2v wrote

This is that place that is billed as a "Motel, Inn, and Campground", right? Dude do not go. The bedbugs alone are not worth it, and an ton of addicts live there. The entire back property stretches into the woods and has halogen lighting illuminating many trailers with very skuzzy people.

If you are going to NH, check out the franconia notch area, the seacoast, or hit up Funspot in Laconia. That place is awesome and was featured in a "FistFull of Quarters". Don't tour the southern part of the state.

Source: Went to school on the border and swung up there for bars and to avoid sales-tax.


ohhellothere1234567 t1_jcn9y0s wrote

Nope, that place is in Nashua. This is further down the road in Hollos, looks like a house


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcnrqwb wrote

So you are telling me to go to the good house on the road, not the bad one with the drug addicts just a few miles away?

Absolutely sold on this place.


weneedsound t1_jcuix6y wrote

Nashua is the town/city that borders Hollis. Median income in Nashua is 36k, median income in Hollis is 140k. They are starkly different towns. Hollis is a NIMBY town, with a rural feel. 'Farming community' which really equates to wealthy buying up the farm land and building their mansions in the middle of a field. That said, the motel is something you drive past when going to Hollis, immediately entering Hollis from Broad St, it goes from suburb sprawl, to farm land.


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcuztoh wrote

>Median income in Nashua is 36k, median income in Hollis is 140k. They are starkly different towns. Hollis is a NIMBY town, with a rural feel. 'Farming community' which really equates to wealthy buying up the farm land and building their mansions in the middle of a field. That said, the motel is something you drive past when going to Hollis, immediately entering Hollis from Broad St, it goes from suburb sprawl, to farm land.

Do you know if they register as farms for the tax breaks without actually outputting anything? That is popular with charter boats and fishing where I am from.


weneedsound t1_jcujc9x wrote

That said, I think you would be better served going up the coast line, there will be more interesting things there. Otherwise, go further north in NH there are a lot more tourist activities past Manchester/Concord


NoOneLikesTunaHere OP t1_jcuzj2m wrote

Thank you for the direction! I am excited to see your mountain man, and I hear you have a bear show where a man chases me with a gun!


lizyouwerebeer t1_jcqltlm wrote

Where the heck is this place? I didn't even know it existed and I grew up in Nashua!