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Paper_Disastrous t1_jbg47bm wrote

Thanks......So what the fuck does that have to do with pronouns? No one worships pronouns. Of all the priests and pastors getting arrested for child molestation on a daily fucking basis, not a single one has been the head of a pronoun church. There's nothing holy or sacred about a pronoun. So gtfo with this stupid bullshit argument, you wet fart.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg7dgn wrote

Pronouns are for them a ritual. It's related to right belief, moral conduct, and community participation. The associated belief system checks all the boxes for Britannica's definition of a religion. -particularly a humanistic religion.


Paper_Disastrous t1_jbgks7w wrote

By your very loose understanding of the definition, and reality, anything could be a religion.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbgldvl wrote

Brittanica's is a very mainstream definition. Words have meaning. If it checks all the boxes then it can be properly called a religion.

No. Everything could not be called a religion.