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thenagain11 t1_jbhrtk8 wrote

My tonsils were removed at age 3 - was I mutilated? No. I received necessary medical care. If a doctor, psychologist, and parents all feel this is medically the best choice for the welfare of a kid after years of treatment- who the hell are you to give your opinion. Most surgerys aren't even done until teen years or after, and not for years after a person has been living in their new gender and receiving regular therapy.


vscduebr t1_jbj0vls wrote

getting your tonsils taken out is a bit different than getting your breasts cut off.


thenagain11 t1_jbj1ifr wrote

Only bc it is being framed that way. People get breast reductions and mastectomies all the time. It's not called it mutilation. It is called an operation.


ralettar t1_jbjlhzm wrote

Did you have your brain removed too? Because that’s the stupidest comparison I’ve ever heard.
