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lvlisslvlelissa t1_jcyb7p6 wrote

If you aren't already on it, check out VANITY PL8 group on Facebook lol


every1getslaid OP t1_jcyjhxk wrote

Aww man, I wish I was on FB sometimes. Deleted it 5 years ago and haven’t looked back


lvlisslvlelissa t1_jcykc65 wrote

Mind if I save and share it? I honestly think about doing the same thing more often though...Facebook can be pretty toxic


Petereye t1_jcyvkrr wrote

Maine has good ones. Uncensored


lvlisslvlelissa t1_jcywbtn wrote

Not for long, they are pulling a ton of them. They changed their mind


vexingsilence t1_jcznslx wrote

NH gets a dishonorable mention:

>Maine’s new rules, which Bellows said track closely with New Hampshire's revised standards, ban derogatory references to age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion or disability. Also banned is language that incites violence, or is considered profane or obscene.

That's so lame. I wouldn't drive around with a F***YOU license plate, but I salute the brave soul that did.