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AllstarGaming617 t1_jdbyz42 wrote

It shouldnt be too much of a problem. Especially if you intend to live in the southern part of the state closest to the Massachusetts border. That’s not to say the entire state is bigoted, not by a long shot. Many great open minded people here, you’re just slightly more likely to run into unaccepting people once you get north of Manchester and concord. Southern New Hampshire is so close to the Boston metro area that is growing increasingly more dense and surging in population so a lot of very liberal voters are moving into southern New Hampshire(myself included, bought a house in southern Nh just pre Covid). It’s a solid purple state now and will only grow more blue over time. We had extremists on the ballot in November that were handedly defeated in state elections. The Governor is a more centrist Republican(by todays standards) but still holds some moderately repressive ideologies. There’s def much worse places you could be with a GOP rep in the governors seat. We have one of the more restrictive abortion laws in New England and some fringe groups are trying to pass anti-lgbt laws but they don’t clear the legislature. The Governor has some mild ambition toward the white house so he plays more to the center and denounces the Maga wing of the party, usually. As I said if you plan to stay in the south-eastern part of the state you wouldn’t feel ostracized much. You’ll likely run into the occasional “old guard” of staunch religious conservative that may try to make you uncomfortable anywhere in the state but in the areas closer to the border, the less likely. Once you get further north and west you’ll see more yards and road sides littered with “Trump won” and “god says there’s only two genders” type of signs but you can easily avoid those people, they are not the effective majority they once were.


Tasty_Reward t1_jdc2g0d wrote

While I agree with most of this and southern NH is mostly accepting. A lot of it is in whispered conversations and private options. I work in construction and consider myself drastically different than at least 80% of the people I work with. Most of whom live in Southern NH. While the hate isn't directly out there it is still prominent no matter what part of the state you're in. While you're less likely to be in danger, you will for sure be judged heavily and looked down upon by these types of people. Can't count the amount of interactions I've had with people I work with where I think "hmm they seem like a decent respectable member of society despite being heavily conservative" only for them to drop some blatantly racist or transphobic comments and completely change my opinion of them.


dense_entrepreneurs t1_jdd9o0z wrote

Lol don't look at your southern crime statistics. Because you are 100% correct it is slowly becoming mass... in the worst imaginable way ever. Unfortunately I don't see NH staying NH for to much longer. Covid has sped up the economic growth(if that's what you really wanna call it) in NH 300x. More out of staters. It's sad really.


AllstarGaming617 t1_jdefpit wrote

Don’t worry snowflake, New Hampshire will never flip completely liberal. Atleast not for several decades. Nashua is just barely removed from being apart of the “boston metro” area and the RT3/93 corridors between the mass state line and Manchester will continue to explode in growth because Boston is one of the most popular cities in the nation and those areas are an easy commute. North of Manch is a tough sell and it will be decades before that urbanization creeps north of there. FWIW your stats and economics are wrong. The further right a state leans the more economically depressed it is and higher the crime rates. Violent crime per capita is higher in solid red states vs blue states. Lucky for you NH is a left lean purple and not solid red.


dense_entrepreneurs t1_jdegmuc wrote

California. Wisconsin. New York. Connecticut..... what do these 4 have in common.

High crime rates. High homeless population. High taxes. Horribly ran states. That people are literally running away from.

Look at the crime statistics. They don't lie. Neither does the news. We see a shooting every day in the Manchester Nashua concord area. I don't recall seeing this kind of activity. Especially on the daily, let's say even 5 years ago.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_jdcfpel wrote

you left Mass because you destroyed it and it’s too expensive now. “Don’t Mass Our NH”


lantrick t1_jdd12pw wrote

Idaho has a place for you.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_jdde4ib wrote

Idaho is literally one of the most beautiful places — Sun Valley/Ketchum area is a dream


lantrick t1_jddhmjz wrote

I hear rent is cheap, jobs are plentiful and there's so much freedom you'll be pinching yourself. It's like a freedom utopia.


AllstarGaming617 t1_jde8knb wrote

Sorry for my wife and I bringing two 6 figure salaries into a state we find beautiful and we can still commute to work in Boston? Sorry we have expendable income that we will dump into the local economy? I’m so sorry.