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Tornado_Wind_of_Love t1_jdbwkxo wrote

Republicans are trying to push laws that would force schools to out LGBTQ+ students. Latest round failed


AllstarGaming617 t1_jdbyz42 wrote

It shouldnt be too much of a problem. Especially if you intend to live in the southern part of the state closest to the Massachusetts border. That’s not to say the entire state is bigoted, not by a long shot. Many great open minded people here, you’re just slightly more likely to run into unaccepting people once you get north of Manchester and concord. Southern New Hampshire is so close to the Boston metro area that is growing increasingly more dense and surging in population so a lot of very liberal voters are moving into southern New Hampshire(myself included, bought a house in southern Nh just pre Covid). It’s a solid purple state now and will only grow more blue over time. We had extremists on the ballot in November that were handedly defeated in state elections. The Governor is a more centrist Republican(by todays standards) but still holds some moderately repressive ideologies. There’s def much worse places you could be with a GOP rep in the governors seat. We have one of the more restrictive abortion laws in New England and some fringe groups are trying to pass anti-lgbt laws but they don’t clear the legislature. The Governor has some mild ambition toward the white house so he plays more to the center and denounces the Maga wing of the party, usually. As I said if you plan to stay in the south-eastern part of the state you wouldn’t feel ostracized much. You’ll likely run into the occasional “old guard” of staunch religious conservative that may try to make you uncomfortable anywhere in the state but in the areas closer to the border, the less likely. Once you get further north and west you’ll see more yards and road sides littered with “Trump won” and “god says there’s only two genders” type of signs but you can easily avoid those people, they are not the effective majority they once were.


1carus_x t1_jdc2dqp wrote

HB619 was a ban minors from transitioning, banning trans ppl from being discussed in school, changes the definition of conversion therapy to be only if it's explicitly against their will (a thing that can't really be proven and basically just allows conversion therapy again). It also explcititly excluded intersex mutilations from being banned, meaning "protect the children from surgeries" isn't true.
There's also a forced outing bill that iirc died on the table but it's also being referred to the education committee? As well as a failed o mm e that would require trans kids to use the bathroom/locker room on the birth certificate, and a failed "gender transition is child abuse" one.
I forgot but there was also one that was an attempt to make all residents use bathrooms according to their biological sex but then never even defined what that was


Tasty_Reward t1_jdc2g0d wrote

While I agree with most of this and southern NH is mostly accepting. A lot of it is in whispered conversations and private options. I work in construction and consider myself drastically different than at least 80% of the people I work with. Most of whom live in Southern NH. While the hate isn't directly out there it is still prominent no matter what part of the state you're in. While you're less likely to be in danger, you will for sure be judged heavily and looked down upon by these types of people. Can't count the amount of interactions I've had with people I work with where I think "hmm they seem like a decent respectable member of society despite being heavily conservative" only for them to drop some blatantly racist or transphobic comments and completely change my opinion of them.


capta2k t1_jdc301q wrote

Combine an open & participatory political system with enough hours of the Fox News Cinematic Universe and the Lying Liars who fill its air, and even the New England republicans/libertarians who once defined the state will succumb to rising Christian fascism.


Serenla87 t1_jdc839q wrote

If you have questions I would reach out to 603 Equality, they track these laws. So far NH has killed a number this year during session but they could give you a better idea.


BionicGimpster t1_jdc92tj wrote

I think the reason is is flagged as risk "within 1 within cycle" is because NH is the only "purple" state in New England and is susceptible to laws be loaded in one session then reversed in the next session


AmazingThinkCricket t1_jdc9xol wrote

The legislature is filled with Republican boomers and libertarian psychos. Senators and Reps only make $100 a year so the only people who can afford to run are old retired people.


ZimofZord t1_jdcavjf wrote

And hear I am just making a chart of where the closest mountains are…


xormybxo t1_jdctw8f wrote

Because Republicans would rather play culture warrior & share fairytales about minors pooping in cat boxes than help with your heating bill


dense_entrepreneurs t1_jdd9o0z wrote

Lol don't look at your southern crime statistics. Because you are 100% correct it is slowly becoming mass... in the worst imaginable way ever. Unfortunately I don't see NH staying NH for to much longer. Covid has sped up the economic growth(if that's what you really wanna call it) in NH 300x. More out of staters. It's sad really.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdde4db wrote

Sadly, it is a horrifically bigoted state. Massachusetts is a far safer bet for someone moving from a hate state. There are too many idiots up here that think it is ok to push their belief on others. Spineless cowards, really. Instead of actually educating themselves, they just listen to the hate/fear echo chambers that tell them Democrats want to eat their babies and take their guns. Stupid is as stupid does.


xormybxo t1_jddelo6 wrote

They wanna protect a person’s “right” to Karen other peoples kids; what they read & hear in school, but do nothing when kids are actually being harmed by their families. Straight up nothing but Republican bread and circuses for seven years


Wiked_Pissah t1_jddexb2 wrote

What does it matter to you anyways? Let someone else believe what they want to believe. Are you really losing sleep because someone wants to be a different gender? How about minding your own fucking business and let others live their lives without you in it?


ThunderheadsAhead t1_jddo1nh wrote

This map seems like a more trans-specific version of the one the ACLU is using to track anti-LGBTQ+ legislation:

NH has some protections on the books:, but not as many specific callouts like, say, neighboring Vermont.

A few state legislation bills show up every year trying to roll some of them back, or introduce groundwork for later attempts (like trying to define biological sex in a way that erases intersex people, for instance). Similar to what's happening in other states, though the bills tend to not advance.

Since Roe/Wade was overturned, trans issues seems to be the next big wedge issue everybody can rally around. Hardly anyone knows a trans person, it's very easy to "other" them, and there's an astonishing amount of misinformation out there about it. Kind of sucks, because we've plenty of other problems we could work on in NH that would improve the lives of more people.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_jddo3ju wrote

LGBT rights in New Hampshire

>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in the U.S. state of New Hampshire enjoy most of the same rights as non-LGBT residents, with most advances occurring within the past two decades. Same-sex sexual activity is legal in New Hampshire, and the state began offering same-sex couples the option of forming a civil union on January 1, 2008. Civil unions offered most of the same protections as marriages with respect to state law, but not the federal benefits of marriage. Same-sex marriage in New Hampshire has been legally allowed since January 1, 2010, and one year later New Hampshire's civil unions expired, with all such unions converted to marriages.

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Wiked_Pissah t1_jde4hff wrote

Was anyone at a Pride rally saying "you shouldn't be straight. Straight people bad!" ?

Nope, they weren't. Because that is not something the LGBTQ community believes. However, the hate loving, fear mongering bigots on the other hand...


vexingsilence t1_jde6655 wrote

But the rainbow folks are forcing their beliefs. They demanded marriage rights, for example. The majority of the US did not share the belief that marriage was appropriate for same-sex individuals. Look at the former head of Mozilla/Firefox as an example. He was ousted from the company for having made a tiny donation to support "traditional marriage". You may not agree with others' interpretation of what marriage is, but they are entitled to have those beliefs.

Anyone being forced to take DEI training by their employers is experiencing the thrill of beliefs being pushed onto them. Who do you think pushed to make such training necessary?

I'm not even looking at this from a right/wrong perspective. I just think it's laughable to not be able to recognize what one side has done versus the other.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jde9yof wrote

The LGBTQ community are not "forcing" their views on anyone. They are simply asking for the respect to love who they want to love. As for the DEI training, sorry you have to be forced to respect other people by your employer. Most employers also have sexual harassment training. Do you spitefully hate women for them daring to ask to be respected in the workplace? I hope not. Why is it it different for someone that is Gay or Trans? They aren't forcing you to watch them make out with someone. They aren't forcing you to kiss another man. Does it really hurt your manhood to have to show respect to someone, regardless of their sexual orientation? Man, woman, gay, trans- everyone deserves to be respected and allowed to be who they want to be. But they don't get the right to tell someone else how they should live their life.


vexingsilence t1_jdecrqv wrote

>They are simply asking for the respect to love who they want to love.

No, they demanded marriage rights. Not the same thing. There was no ban on homosexuality.

>Why is it it different for someone that is Gay or Trans? They aren't forcing you to watch them make out with someone.

Then you'd have to ask why DEI training is even a thing. People shouldn't be displaying their sexuality in the workplace. Yet at many companies, that's actually a thing. They have "resource groups" or something similar. Baffles my mind to see how that's appropriate in a workplace. Love whoever you want (other than children, your own relatives, and a few other exceptions), but don't become a nuisance about it in the workplace.

>Does it really hurt your manhood to have to show respect to someone

Why can't you respect traditionalists? Even liberal Boston had a problem with this. This was battled for years with the St Patrick's Day parade. Why couldn't the pride folks respect the wishes of the parade organizers?

>Man, woman, gay, trans- everyone deserves to be respected and allowed to be who they want to be. But they don't get the right to tell someone else how they should live their life.

Again, this works both ways. This gets back to the situation with the baker that got sued for not wanting to bake a cake for a gay wedding. The "customer" tried to force this on the baker and ultimately lost. This is the lack of self-awareness that I'm poking at here.


AllstarGaming617 t1_jdefpit wrote

Don’t worry snowflake, New Hampshire will never flip completely liberal. Atleast not for several decades. Nashua is just barely removed from being apart of the “boston metro” area and the RT3/93 corridors between the mass state line and Manchester will continue to explode in growth because Boston is one of the most popular cities in the nation and those areas are an easy commute. North of Manch is a tough sell and it will be decades before that urbanization creeps north of there. FWIW your stats and economics are wrong. The further right a state leans the more economically depressed it is and higher the crime rates. Violent crime per capita is higher in solid red states vs blue states. Lucky for you NH is a left lean purple and not solid red.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdefpj1 wrote

It baffles me that you see someone wanting to have the right to marry whoever they want as somehow infringing on your life. Wow. Just wow.

As for DEI training, is your HR dept saying you have to watch gay porn in the workplace? I'm pretty sure it is more about respect. Just like sexual harassment training isn't to teach you how to hit on your co-workers better. Let me explain it to you this way. If I wear a Metallica T-shirt to work one day, and you see it, it does not mean you have to wear a Metallica t-shirt also, or even like their music. I'll wear whatever the fuck I want to wear, within the established workplace guidelines, and you wear whatever the fuck you want to wear. I promise you I will not lose sleep over whatever t-shirt you wear to work. Ever!

As for the baker, were they being asked to adorn a cake topper of the couple having sex? Dildos and rainbows all over the cake? Or was the baker just being spiteful to someone that didn't share their particular religious views? It's such a stupid argument, I don't know why they didn't just go to a baker that was less of a bigot.


dense_entrepreneurs t1_jdegmuc wrote

California. Wisconsin. New York. Connecticut..... what do these 4 have in common.

High crime rates. High homeless population. High taxes. Horribly ran states. That people are literally running away from.

Look at the crime statistics. They don't lie. Neither does the news. We see a shooting every day in the Manchester Nashua concord area. I don't recall seeing this kind of activity. Especially on the daily, let's say even 5 years ago.


vexingsilence t1_jdel73n wrote

>It baffles me that you see someone wanting to have the right to marry whoever they want as somehow infringing on your life

Did I say that? My point was about forcing beliefs on others.

>I'm pretty sure it is more about respect.

Pretty sure it's more than that. If you respect others, they'll tend to respect you. No training required.


>Or was the baker just being spiteful to someone that didn't share their particular religious views?

Or was the "customer" being spiteful to someone that didn't share their beliefs? It's the same damn question either way. Why do you refuse to acknowledge that?


lellololes t1_jder6ly wrote

Same sex marriage is something between two people. Allowing them to get married does not affect anybody else in any way whatsoever. How is that "forcing their beliefs" on anyone else?

You may or may not have the same belief of what marriage is as another person, but you are also not being forced in to marrying anyone at all.

I do not understand how some people can claim this is a logical argument.

Person A says marriage is between a man and a woman

Person B says it is between two people

If person A doesn't regard person Bs marriage as valid, it does not affect them at all.

Well, I think that many people with religion are wrong. Now, forcing my belief (or lack thereof in this case) upon them would be to say that they can not practice any religion. But I believe in the freedom of religion, so while I may not agree with your personal beliefs, I am not imposing them on you.

Those are precisely the same argument.

If you're religious, your church can marry whoever it wants to and not be willing to marry whoever. I don't care about that. If you are a member of a church that only recognizes heterosexual marriages, that's fine. People that aren't can simply go somewhere else and get married.


vexingsilence t1_jdesnsy wrote

> How is that "forcing their beliefs" on anyone else?

I imagine many would see it as an erosion of the concept of marriage, since we're talking about beliefs. Next up, polygamy, incest, etc. At some point the word and the concept is meaningless. Personally, I think we should just get government out of it altogether. Document who you want to be able to visit you if you're in the hospital, who gets the kiddos, etc.


>Now, forcing my belief (or lack thereof in this case) upon them would be to say that they can not practice any religion.

Try having prayer time in a public school.


lellololes t1_jdew1zh wrote

>I imagine many would see it as an erosion of the concept of marriage, since we're talking about beliefs. Next up, polygamy, incest, etc. At some point the word and the concept is meaningless. Personally, I think we should just get government out of it altogether. Document who you want to be able to visit you if you're in the hospital, who gets the kiddos, etc.

Slippery slope logical fallacy, irrelevant. Marriage the legal construct is basically a restricted version of your stated preference. The touchy Feely stuff about the "erosion" of marriage is the sort of argument used against allowing all adults to vote without restriction. Every time rights are expanded, some of the already privelidged class react against that expansion of rights.

Prayer in a public school also shouldn't be an issue. It shouldn't be happening except on an individual level. Separation of church and state and all that. For those parents who would prefer that there is prayer in school, how would they feel if the school forced their child to participate in a prayer from a different religion? Now, what accommodations should schools offer to students that have different religious beliefs - there is room for debate there.

If the parent wishes for their child to experience prayer in school they can send them to a private religious school. I understand that there have been gray areas on this topic - school is an entity that collides with the rest of the world at times after all, but the majority of cases of prayer in schools are very much a separation of church and state issue.


vexingsilence t1_jdew558 wrote

Marriage isn't exclusively a state institution. I don't believe there's any law that says you can't call yourself married unless it was a state recognized marriage. Just because the state latched on, doesn't mean it's not a matter of belief for many people.


FlyingLemurs76 t1_jdeybe9 wrote

There are benefits that come from being married in the eyes of the state which is what the issue of gay marriage is predicated upon, not to force the religious concept of marriage to include nontraditional concepts. Implied rights are easier given than relinquished, so we can't just remove all state sanctioned benefits of marriage to promote equality.

The Church is still able to deny facilitating the marriage in the eyes of God. It is worth noting that with the decreasing participation in organized religion, it has become increasingly tolerant (on the whole) of marginalized groups which is a trend I expect to continue.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdf13ks wrote

You are the one that brought up marriage rights, are you not? Or did you forget that already. Because all the marriage rights act is about is letting a person marry another person. Period. You apparently are against that or you wouldn't have made it a point. Bottom. Line- people should be allowed to marry who they want, and YOU, or anyone else, shouldn't have the right to tell them they can't based on so.e archaic religious or whatever BS reason you have for being a bigot. If you want a different perspective, try focusing your attention span long enough and watch this. Afterwards, think about what it means to marginalize 20% of the population.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdf1fx5 wrote

Lmao or imagine thinking you are such a whining nationalist bigot that your very manhood is threatened by someone else saying they are a woman. Newsflash champ- no one is gonna look at you in the John, guaranteed.


tyler_durden187 t1_jdfk15m wrote

See the news about the hockey player ? “Wear the fucking rainbow flag jersey and celebrate the gayness or your off the team!!”

Even had democrats in congress telling the guy to move back to the county he came from.

Doesn’t sound to accepting of the alphabet people.


vexingsilence t1_jdgoaqf wrote

>The touchy Feely stuff about the "erosion" of marriage is the sort of argument used against allowing all adults to vote without restriction.

We shouldn't allow all adults to vote. It's the right of citizens, you're only allowed to vote in each election once, you have to be voting in the correct location, etc. Talk about a slippery slope, you built your argument on one apparently.


>Separation of church and state and all that.

No such thing. The state can't demand that you be religious, but it doesn't have to run screaming away from religion either. Christmas as a federal holiday, anyone? But this is just an example of the lack of awareness that beliefs are pushed from both sides, not from just one side as was alleged. Can't have God in school, that's offensive therefore my belief that there is no God is more important than other people's belief that there is or might be!


vexingsilence t1_jdgooiu wrote

>There are benefits that come from being married in the eyes of the state which is what the issue of gay marriage is predicated upon

Right, which as I said elsewhere, could have been handed over to individuals to determine for themselves. Custody of children, medical proxy, inheritance, and so on. Would be a lot more flexible to not even have a concept of marriage and just let people determine these things as they wish. Maybe designate a default person if one doesn't want to spend time on it. But nah, lets double down on this concept of marriage so we can clog the courts with an ever increasing number of divorces and family squabbles.

But again, this was about pushing beliefs. If I remember right, NH had civil unions before marriages. But that wasn't enough, because.. it was a different term. The left wanted to enforce the belief by using the same term, there was no other reason to push at that point. It had the same legal recognition and rights.


vexingsilence t1_jdgoz69 wrote

>people should be allowed to marry who they want

Including children, their sister, someone not mentally capable of making decisions, someone that's already married, a corpse..?

>Afterwards, think about what it means to marginalize 20% of the population.

Wasn't arguing the right and wrong of it, was arguing that Pride was pushing a belief onto others. You can't possibly think that the majority of the population went along willingly, because wow, would that be some revisionist history.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdi9ume wrote

Wow, you're really reaching on this one. Yes, if a corpse wants to marry another corpse, then they should go for it. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. Like most bigots, you live to twist things to your narrative, so I will spell it out for you. If a man wants to marry another man, or a woman wants to marry another woman, let them! It's not going to hurt your manhood. If your sole reason for them to not be allowed to marry is their gender and they are legally allowed to do it, why do you fucking care if they do or not?

And I would love to hear how exactly a Pride event is forcing people to be gay. Is it that magical pixie dust? Lady Gaga oreos they throw out to the crowd? Oh, please share your theories. I can't wait to hear this. 🤣🤣🤣


vexingsilence t1_jdibm4l wrote

This was about forcing beliefs onto others, marriage is an example of that force coming from the left. Like I said elsewhere, I'm not interested in an argument over right and wrong, I'm just pointing out the fact that forcing beliefs is not unique to the right, it's probably more prevalent from the left.. even if they refuse to recognize it.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdj44ag wrote

But I still don't see how they are forcing anything on you. If two people want to get married, who is saying you have to do the same? It makes absolutely no sense. All they are asking for is to be able to do what makes THEM happy. It literally has absolutely nothing to do with you. Even if you got I vited to the wedding ( however incredibly unlikely that would be) you could always say no. They wouldn't be forcing you at gun point to watch them get married.


vexingsilence t1_jdj99m4 wrote

They are forcing their beliefs to take priority of the beliefs of others, which is where I began. These is a cost to society, which we all bare. The courts are clogged with divorce cases and family bickering, child custody disputes and so on. Employers bear the costs of benefits, etc. Again, I don't care about the right vs wrong argument here, I was merely contradicting this warped view that only the right forces their beliefs on others. That's clearly not the case.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdjb10b wrote

Yes. The left want to be happy as well. This is a pointless argument because you are clearly biased against anyone that is LGBTQ and wants to be happy. I am sorry if some mean gay biker gang abducted you earlier in life and forced you to watch gay porn ala Clockwork Orange style. Someday I hope you can heal and learn to live and let live.


vexingsilence t1_jdje4mk wrote

>This is a pointless argument because you are clearly biased against anyone that is LGBTQ and wants to be happy.

Pointing out that there are associated costs to society and the fact that people were not terribly eager to change their beliefs if not for efforts like Pride and activist judges forcing it.. that shows a bias?

>Someday I hope you can heal and learn to live and let live.

Dispassionate observation is not a bad thing and doesn't define a person.


Double-Abalone7052 t1_jdrrdfs wrote

Massachusetts is a lot more liberal. It’s weird up here in New Hampshire