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Outrageous_Egg8672 t1_jdf23js wrote

"End of lease" is not a means to evict someone. It would be absurd in any other contract that the end date is completely nullified if one party decides they no longer agree to the date they signed for. But that's the case in NH leases.

It's really a problem the NH supreme court created. Since "end of lease" is not one of the outlined reasons for eviction you cannot kick someone out when the lease ends as long as the tenant keeps paying. It effectively means every lease end date only ever applies if the tenant decides to leave.

It's an absurd ruling, but perhaps a correct ruling if you believe lawmakers should do their part and write laws carefully. And here we are with a really simple adjustment to correct the law. It's unfortunate that the author Jeongyoon Han did not take a sentence or two to examine the vary strange current situation and instead used a rather confusing quote from a law maker.

I think it's a step in the right direction, frankly. One of the reasons why so many landlords are bad are because the good ones get the hell out when they learn how difficult of a position the law can put them in.