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Mascbro26 t1_jbpdxp3 wrote

I agree but in the grand scheme of things that little amount of money doesn't matter.


ericools t1_jbpvb7x wrote

Sure. What does mater however is that there is a system in place that allows for people in power to force others to waste money on things. It's a small example of a very large and very serious issue.

I think it might be best to use these smaller less important examples to illuminate the problem, because with larger more complex budget items people get sucked into all kinds of tangents and myriad ideological debates about what benefits or determent any given part of the spending leads to.


Mascbro26 t1_jbpz5ft wrote

I mean this 1.5 is just political theater to try and appease republican voters. It's not meaningful beyond feeding general scare tactics of the republican voting base. The fear mongering on right wing news sources is mind boggling to me. It a wonder any conservative even leaves their house!


ericools t1_jbrus54 wrote

Both sides are pretty full of over the top doomsayers over every stupid little thing that mostly doesn't matter.


Mascbro26 t1_jbs1c2f wrote

Wait, you think the dems are on the same level as the republicans when it comes to lunacy? Please point out the dem vesions of MTG, trump, cruz, gaetz and broebert.


ericools t1_jbs37z9 wrote

Yep. Some of them are so crazy they have basically went all the way around and touched tips with the right wing nutjobs.

I was speaking of the supporters more than politicians. Most of the politicians aren't crazy, they are just opportunistic parasites that use whatever brand of crazy is convenient in order to gain power. A few of them might be drinking koolaid, but mostly they don't really care about the things they are making a big deal of.


Mascbro26 t1_jbxon59 wrote

So, not a single example....


ericools t1_jc8si8r wrote

I was not talking about politicians. If I was talking about people who were public figures I would give examples. I don't think it's justifiable to point to regular people from one camp or another as examples for the sake of an internet argument.

It also seems really silly. If you haven't seen both left and right wing crazy already it must be your first day on the internet.