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[deleted] t1_je5oo5x wrote



Double-Abalone7052 t1_je5w4f5 wrote

Probably for calling her a slut, it’s not wrong for women to like sex. It is wrong for women to cheat on their husbands.

But also, did you know why she had to be sent to New York from the New Hampshire state prison for women? She kept having sex with everybody 😂😂 she was on D tier which was the “max” block in Goffstown. It’s just a square room with windows at one end, a locked door and a shower at the other end and then cells lining each side. In the middle of the room was a pool table.

So the windows faced the back of the prison where the kitchen deliveries would come, and every time there was a delivery Pam would get up on the pool table to dance for them I guess. So one day she did this kick move and ended up kicking the rail off the pool table breaking it, so they had to take the pool table away. I think she was on D tier because she was having sex with women so she got put in “lock up” but then she kept getting caught having sex with women on D tier so they shipped her out.


McTrollski t1_je61qwy wrote

Being a slut is probably the most endearing thing about her. I went to School with Greg, my wife went to Pinkerton with Pam. I think getting Gang Banged by the football team and having sex with minors is in a different class than a woman who enjoys sex. She pushed my future wife down the stairs in School. Had her Husband murdered. Was heard at the bar talking about the Firebird she was going to buy with the life insurance money prior to her arrest, because that's what good people do days after their spouse is executed:/ She is what happens to bullies when they go unchecked. Pure evil and right where she belongs


[deleted] t1_je7iliv wrote

Also went to PA. Same crowd, but NOT friends with her. We hated each other. I got married around the same time as her and remember seeing her at a few bridal shows and being astounded that someone was actually marrying her. Can confirm. She was an awful, mean person who thought very highly of herself and slept around. Let her rot.


McTrollski t1_je7mbly wrote

Anyone who says otherwise never met her and has no idea what they are talking about. This is one of the few times someone got exactly what they deserve.


toomanytomatoes t1_je5yt73 wrote

Bro look at your username you clearly are here FOR the down votes.


McTrollski t1_je625b8 wrote

Not really, just a name I thought was funny 9 years ago