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VinsonChe90 t1_jbsswzz wrote

Depending on your background, find a remote job. I used to drive two hours to Boston for work and two hours back every day for an office job. I got tired of it and said peace. Got a remote job and it’s been so much easier.

NH can be an expensive place to live for some, but compared to everywhere else I lived previously (and I’ve lived in 7 other states around the country), NH is very affordable for my husband and I. If you’re single, it might be difficult unless you’re bringing in decent income.

If you have a CDL, you can make some great money. Look into a trade if you have a background in one. Because this state is mostly rural, trade jobs are big, at least where I’m living in the Monadnock Valley region. Everyone I know is either a trucker, electrician, plumber, NHDOT, contractor, etc.