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warren_stupidity t1_jeewf4h wrote

Iras and 401ks are exempt.


DeerFlyHater t1_jefl5ai wrote

Not everyone has access to 401Ks.


warren_stupidity t1_jefyh1h wrote

>Punishing people for investing in their retirement

I was responding to that comment. Everyone can put money in a tax deferred savings account, IRA, 401K SEP etc. They are all exempt.


WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_jefaysf wrote

For many people those still aren't enough to retire on without something like social security. Nevermind if someone becomes disabled before they reach retirement age.


warren_stupidity t1_jefzt9k wrote

Yeah? So each individual gets a 2,400 exemption, so for people such as you are so concerned about, they will not have 2400 in interest or dividends to tax, so I am not understanding your concern.