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BionicGimpster t1_jdnwv68 wrote

If really will friend on the weather and where your are planning to visit. The southern part of the state will usually have black fly hatch in early May, but it's more like early to mid June for the hatch in the White Mountains.
But it will depend on the weather. If it is warmer then normal, they may hatch earlier.

Typically, long sleeves and long pants will protect you, and I use bug repellent on my face and neck. If I'm doing something that will make me sweat I'll wear a bug head net mesh over my head.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdnyxmm wrote

Thanks very much for the advice, we’ll be coming up from Boston and staying in Manchester then Meredith, probably spending some time near the lakes. I appreciate the weather is a big factor and that’s also a tricky thing to prepare for because from what I’ve read it’s pretty unpredictable in New England 🙂 I’m assuming long sleeves and pants are fairly typical in May?


Puzzleheaded_Gas356 t1_jdo0k9m wrote

The temperature in May in NH can vary from about 50°F (12°C) to 75°F (23°C). Bring a variety of options and layers.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdo4kr0 wrote

Thanks very much, sounds very much like English weather in May 🙂


Big_Hoss15 t1_jdp2xy8 wrote

in terms of black flies i would just try to not wear a lot perfume/smelly stuff because i think that may attract them… everyone else’s info is pretty on point but you can also get the insect repellent candles you can find in new hampshire stores and those work okay too if you’re not a bug spray kinda gal.

i hope you have a great trip otherwise!!


jessesparkell OP t1_jdp498w wrote

Thank you, I’m sure we will ☺️ thanks for the candle tip, nice idea for sitting outside for an hour or so perhaps


BionicGimpster t1_jdo0w2d wrote

I used to live in Meredith - you should be fine there in the first 2 weeks of May from a black fly standpoint. It's not typically very warm that time of year - so long sleeves is fine, though the have been times when it's very warm - as you said - it's New England. As for Manchester - if you're in the central area, you'll have no issue with black flies - as the concrete isn't conducive to black flies. If you are staying anywhere with a lawn (garden) - you'll probably see some black flies in the first half of May.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdo4yn6 wrote

Thank you, weather-wise it sounds like a home away from home 🙂 lovely to hear from people that have lived/live in some of the areas we’re visiting. I’m sure we will encounter some flies towards the end of the break so we will prepare accordingly! Thanks again


sassooal t1_jdo7egc wrote

We're a couple months behind southern England in terms of seasons. If you're here in the beginning of May, most trees in the Meredith area won't be in full leaf yet.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdo7rfw wrote

Wow, that’s really interesting, thanks for the tip 🙂 to be honest it can sometimes be the same here, we get flowers and blossoms blooming around now but it can take ages for the trees to join the party. It seems like you just wake up one day and they’re all suddenly green again!


lellololes t1_jdoua0d wrote

Last year, the warmest day in May was 95F and the coldest was 53F. The lowest low was 37F. It could be like it is at home, or it might be like summer in Florida, or it might ice over at night. But it's usually pretty mild in May.


sassooal t1_jdoczbi wrote

I still have a half meter of snow at my house so we're quite a way from anything green!


jessesparkell OP t1_jdolbvz wrote

We do get snow in March here too but it’s only that deep in the North/Scotland. I can’t even imagine 😳 do you get snowdrops or daffodils?


lellololes t1_jdotsc4 wrote

What are you staying in Manchester for? It's not really a hub of anything touristy, it's just a small city. It's also not far from Meredith. If it's not too late to adjust your itenerary, I'd recommend Portsmouth NH or Portland Maine (Small cities that are better destinations), or maybe Conway NH (in the mountains) as alternatives.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdousmm wrote

It’s literally just an overnight stop to break up one of our longer journeys, we’ll be spending more of our time in some of the places you mention 🙂


lellololes t1_jdov9t4 wrote

Where are you going to be before Meredith? They are just an hour apart. I'd recommend just skipping it rather than going through the hassle of checking in to a hotel for a night to avoid an hour's drive. Manchester would be a good place to stop for a meal at but unless you're going to a show at the theater, I think you're adding more trouble than it's worth there.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdowzf5 wrote

Interesting, thank you, I’ll go back and check our schedule: I think there’s a museum or nature centre nearby that we were going to


lellololes t1_jdpb1uw wrote

Even if you're doing things in Manchester and going out to dinner, it's the difference between checking in at a hotel at 9PM at a location you're not going to have much to do around and checking in at 10PM right where you want to be for the next day.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdq006q wrote

Thank you, it’s definitely worth another look then, appreciate the advice 🙏


witchspoon t1_jds7ha1 wrote

Don’t forget you can buy yourself souvenirs too! Lol so if you’re u find yourself chilly a NH sweatshirt might be in order.