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Selfless- t1_jdo113v wrote

Reply to comment by jessesparkell in Black fly in May? by jessesparkell

I like a hat or scarf treated with permethrin. DEET is good too. Protect your ankles as well as your neck when exploring because we also have ticks.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdo59x6 wrote

Thanks very much, writing this all down 🙂 never had a tick bite! Will be keeping an eye out for sure


Ferahgost t1_jdoaq99 wrote

Ticks latch on and can be nasty. If you do find one on you, after getting it off keep and eye out for a bullseye shaped mark, it can mean Lyme’s disease


jessesparkell OP t1_jdok130 wrote

Thank you, on reflection think I’ll try to avoid the woods


lellololes t1_jdot66r wrote

NH is about 80% forest. There's nothing to be afraid of at all, just wear pants and socks and bring some insect repellant. Black flies are just a nuisance, they aren't a big deal. Deer flies are a really fucking annoying nuisance but they aren't everywhere. If your head is being bombarded by them you'll know. If you dont' have anything you can just wrap something around your head.


jessesparkell OP t1_jdoumw6 wrote

Thank you, it’s really helpful to get this advice from locals and we’ll definitely know what to do now to prepare


poopdick72 t1_jdow3g3 wrote

Yeah, don’t let this all scare you. Definitely need to try some hikes in the white mountains. Just do a tick check after


witchspoon t1_jds74p6 wrote

Don’t avoid the woods due to ticks they also like high grass areas(fields) it’s not as if they are vicious, but if you go out in nature check yourself all over for small black/brown bugs. Remove them if they are there, but usually they don’t latch on right away I stick them inside a piece of folded cello tape. If perchance you see a bullseye rash get checked for Lyme disease, but for the most part it’s fine. As for deer flies and such DEET is the go-to, or a head net. Mostly welcome to NH (in may)!


jessesparkell OP t1_jdsa8yk wrote

Thank you for the guidance 🙂 Looking forward to exploring your state!