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nowhereman1223 t1_jc79uzp wrote

Its called the granite state for a reason.

Plus buried lines means Jim Bob deciding to put in a fence, pond, or just dig for the hell of it, results in power outages and possible dead people.

Buried lines ARE NOT the answer for a state as rural as NH.


The answer is home owners allowing the utility to trim and remove trees that will cause issues with the lines. Most outages are caused by preventable tree limb damage. If the utility was allowed to go after home owners that declined to have the trimming done, it would get better fast.


widget_fucker t1_jc7k2r3 wrote

Jim Bob lives everywhere. In fact, dare i say our baseline intelligence skews much higher than the national average.

Its all about the granite legde, granite rock bullshit!


savingeverybody t1_jc8eyeh wrote

NH has the highest average IQ* of any state!

  • Yeah, I know IQ tests are bad.

Ogre213 t1_jc82wmt wrote

The utilities have an absolute right to take trees that threaten the lines. The answer is them actually doing their damn job instead of cheating out on maintenance and pocketing the difference.


nowhereman1223 t1_jca3n62 wrote

They don't have the right to remove trees or limbs from your property.

Just like you don't have the right to remove your neighbor's tree because it hangs near your property or "might" fall on your house.

They must get permission or they can get sued by landowners.


Ogre213 t1_jcag37j wrote

They hold easements for their lines that permit them to clear on privately owned lands. These easements also permit them to ignore wetland and other environmental laws broadly and without prior approval.


nowhereman1223 t1_jcaotmm wrote

Are you aware those easements don't cover the trees that aren't on the easement?

They aren't airspace easements.

If the tree is on the property owners' land and not on the easement, they need to get approval.

Don't get me wrong a lot of companies shirked maintenance. But they haven't been doing that for about a decade now. Every minute power is down and they have crews out working at double OT overnight for days straight.... they are losing MASSIVE amounts of money.

The math doesn't work out unless you are referring to super rural areas with only a few customers on a single line that covers miles and miles. But anywhere that has any density at all.... it doesn't make sense to not maintain it.

The power company isn't the internet company that charges you whether the service works or not. The power companies have a vested interest in keeping you connected and drawing power constantly.