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Jimbohamilton t1_jd5lb6m wrote

I hate to break it to you guys, but you can't say "jimmies" anymore.


asphynctersayswhat t1_jd5x6rp wrote

That’s bullshit. Jimmies is a specifically New England term that has its roots in a confectioner in Rhode Island who used a cheese grater on a chocolate bar to shave on ice cream. His name was Jim.

It’s been retconned by some dumbass virtue signaler to be tied to Jim Crow - New England had no Jim Crow states. I’m all for inclusive language, but it’s dangerous to give people this kind of power over how we speak. Yes jimmies is a trivial thing, but it’s indicative of what misinformation can do.


BeemHume t1_jd660is wrote

"According to the Boston Globe, one potentially viable origin story for the sprinkles term comes from confectionary company Just Born—the monster best known for Easter’s most divisive treat, the Peep. The company doesn’t give a hard date on the invention, but credits the name to the employee who invented them (his name was Jimmy, obviously)."

*Just Born is a PA company


ShortUSA t1_jd7gp71 wrote

Don't believe everything you hear, read, or dream up, much less parrot it. Unless you're goal is to appear crazy.