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beagletronic61 t1_jcbd93g wrote

If “massive overtime conspiracy” is your foothold in this or any argument, you should also consider that you may just be wrong and run that out a little also. Yes, the grid as it exists requires more maintenance than one that is subterranean but that doesn’t implicate the workers in a lobbying/conspiracy/scheme.

Did you lose power yesterday?


lantonas t1_jcbf5ap wrote

Clearly the power companies don't want to bury line because they love paying workers overtime.

That make so much sense!


schillerstone OP t1_jcbe1mk wrote

Yes I lost power

My opinion on the "conspiracy" as you call it is based on:

My friend's husband who got a job at Eversource and was second to the driver. He had to ride around all day as the driver shopped and did just about anything other than work. EVERY SINGLE DAY

Second, I personally attended a standing room only rate increase hearing which gave people an opportunity to speak about how they would be greatly negatively affected by the changes. I was in the hall nearby the company union stewards who were all suited up and snickering and laughing openly at all the public speakers. Low class and clearly lobbying on the side of raping the public.

So , yeah. It's not so much a conspiracy as robbery in public view .


beagletronic61 t1_jcbh8jy wrote

What’s the projected cost of this proposal to bury all the power lines in NH?


schillerstone OP t1_jcbjz7p wrote

We don't know, do we? We don't know because it costs too much to study it. Lol


schillerstone OP t1_jcbf5zw wrote

... but all that said, my main concern is the grid and the people facing hardship without electricity (elderly, sick, parents, single people without resources). If OT wasn't a thing because it wasn't needed, there couldn't be abuse of it.

Listen, I am not a hater of working people. Corporate welfare and executive malfeasance (latest banking collapse for example!) Are a much bigger concern of mine. I brought up the OT issue because people in general think it's a wonderful thing to pay people overtime. I think it's a better idea to raise worker pay and let people live stable lives amidst a energy grid with buries lines ☺️