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sndtech t1_jdm7yt5 wrote

You can get a doctor's note to have a tinted windshield and front windows. You can also get to know your inspector and things work out.


iamktf t1_jdmlpwj wrote

Yup. My partner suffers from a rare eye condition that makes sunlight physically painful. There are medically approved waivers in all family cars in case we get pulled over for the tint.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdnfc5y wrote

And if you get pulled over, and don't have that state medical exception, both you AND the state inspection station get in trouble for it.


sndtech t1_jdnrvgk wrote

It's always "applied after inspection".


Jay_Derkin t1_jdnfwlm wrote

That’s not what you think it is. That allows an EXTREMELY slight tint, anything that’s noticeably darker is illegal.

Source - VSS sufferer.


zeus6793 t1_jdok2cy wrote

The front windows and windshield cannot be aftermarket tinted at all in NH. The rear windows have to be no more than 30% light diffusion.


Time_Cup4527 t1_jdox8ys wrote

That’s not true. 6” strip can be applied to the windshield. Non reflective of 35%. Front windows can also be tinted to 70 percent.


zeus6793 t1_jdpahv4 wrote

If that's true about the front windows then that's a huge change and it must have been made in the last 3 years. I was at inspection service stations for 30 years and you were never allowed to have front window tint in New Hampshire


Tullyswimmer t1_jdwl5li wrote

a 70% tint looks clear to the naked eye. Most vehicles come stock from the factory with a minimum of 70%. It blocks UV.


Glansberg_ t1_jdw6zxp wrote

Never thought about this as an option. I suffered an eye injury to my right eye and even midday cloudy weather is too much sometimes. You can catch me walking around with only one eye open pretty often


sgdulac t1_jdo4nto wrote

I get migraines so wear sunglasses all the time when in my car. Wouldn't that be a better fix than a doctor getting involved. I don't get it. Please explain.


sndtech t1_jdog36e wrote

It's another option for people who need it. What if they don't have ears to hold up sunglasses?


-Codfish_Joe t1_jdofas9 wrote

Something something muh rights.


Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo t1_jdopvot wrote

As stupid as free staters are, mocking the idea of rights in general because some people want to tint their own car's windows, which is legal in most other states, is just a very strange take


kindDan93 t1_jdmch9p wrote

Who cares?


Viking603 t1_jdmffm5 wrote

The govt shouldn't care.


-Codfish_Joe t1_jdofj04 wrote

They have a safety reason for not allowing excessive tint in the front, outweighing the BuT iT lOOKs Cool reason for having it.


Viking603 t1_jdoiyac wrote

If it's good enough for cops with their nearly 100% backed out windows, it's good enough for us.

The govt not allowing tint of any level is just a revenue generator.


Tullyswimmer t1_jdwl8ue wrote

Yeah, if a cop can black out their car, I should be able to black out mine.


AussieJeffProbst t1_jdm4sne wrote

They have to allow 70 percent light transmission.

How does a cop enforce that? I have absolutely no idea. Sounds like a real non-issue to me though.


___RosaLux t1_jdmo4rq wrote

As someone with tinted front windows and the accompanying doctor’s note, I can tell you cops don’t care. The only time they’ll break out that meter to check the tint is if you’ve been pulled over for something different. And even then, probably only if you’re being an asshole.


SquashDue502 t1_jdmlhd2 wrote

People do this frequently in the south when I lived there and the only way cops could tell or enforce was when it was so dark you legit could not see anything inside on a bright sunny day.


-Codfish_Joe t1_jdofrg8 wrote

That's also the only time they actually care. It's not a gotcha law, it's for visibility. If the cop pulls you over and can't see in, there's a problem.


Witchdrdre t1_jdpfqym wrote

I bought my car from the south and it came with front tinted windows. I pass cops every day and I’ve never been talked to about it 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think it’s a real problem.


cdot666 t1_jdm6rom wrote

They haven’t been caught yet


Longjumping_Ad_6988 t1_jdmd200 wrote

Not only do you need a doctor's note but you need to submit that note to the state in order for them to issue a waiver. I work at a garage and I've only had a customer do it once. He was a retired optometrist.


Cantide756 t1_jdo0z43 wrote

Isn't it also accepted if it's oem? Like if purchased or of state and moved here


BackItUpWithLinks t1_jdmdf2l wrote

They’re breaking the law, breaking the law.


___RosaLux t1_jdmomj3 wrote

It’s legal with a note from your doctor, as long as it’s submitted to the state. It’s a pretty easy process, even if it’s stupid that we have to do that in the first place.


BackItUpWithLinks t1_jdmp0f0 wrote

The question was how is it possible.

The answer is most times it’s done illegally.


___RosaLux t1_jdoe9cx wrote

Curious how you are able to assume it’s “most” times. Could you share the statistics you’re using to support your conclusion?


pullyourfinger t1_jdp27oo wrote

it's not an easy process. doctor's aren't going to sign off on it without a legit reason, and even then maybe not.


___RosaLux t1_jdqzkwr wrote

I can only speak to my own experience and it was quite easy. I told my doctor have a sensitivity to light and they signed off on the paperwork.


cathouse1320again t1_jdocqnv wrote

Yeah, and when I was 6 years old I needed a note from my mother to buy cigarettes, that was still illegal too


___RosaLux t1_jdodife wrote

Yea that’s definitely not the same thing, but there’s no point in arguing with only one brain cell 😂


Hextall2727 t1_jdw90fy wrote

Not sure if you want to know if anyone got the reference, but I did.


mafiafish t1_jdm7tui wrote

I thought it wouldn't pass inspection?

I had to strip my front windows to pass when bringing a car over from Maine.


BackItUpWithLinks t1_jdmdiuu wrote

If you know the inspection guy, and promise to say you had it installed after he put the sticker on.


Viking603 t1_jdmf46k wrote

Or you could know the law and educate the inspector/cop.


BackItUpWithLinks t1_jdmfhg2 wrote


We’re talking about illegal tint.

If the tint is illegal, no amount of “educate the cop” will work


Viking603 t1_jdmmuq7 wrote

A lot of people, cops, inspection personnel, don't even know the law has changed. The inspection station I use didn't until I showed them the law.


ThisIsNotTuna OP t1_jdm69o7 wrote

The ones I saw were less than 70%.


Viking603 t1_jdmezsw wrote

Did you measure the tint?


songsandspeeches t1_jdmj88y wrote

i have 70s on my front windows and it is barely visibly tinted.. if you can visibly see tint on a window it is likely much more less than 70% light transmittance.


[deleted] t1_jdmh9hq wrote



songsandspeeches t1_jdmkez3 wrote

i understand what you're saying but you don't need a meter to tell what darker tints looks like if you know what 70s look like.... 70s just have the slightest tint of shading.. you can barely tell it's tinted when it's 70% so it's obvious when it's darker.

any dumbass cop will be able to tell if it's illegal tints on the front window because any obvious tinting is < 70% light transmittance.


Top_Solid7610 t1_jdmfccw wrote

While some police departments and states have concerns or laws against window tinting for various and plausible / logical reasons, eye contact, officer safety, visibility in low light — the government’s own studies have found no empirical evidence that front window tinting has any effect on vehicle, pedestrian or Officer safety. I personally was against front window tinting for all of the reasons above - having looked into it, I had to change my opinion. As someone who lives half the year in Florida for work reasons, I have learned to appreciate window tinting as I’m sure anyone who lives in the southern states might where sunlight and reflections can be blinding.


baxterstate t1_jdo64gi wrote

All of us, regardless of medical conditions, should be allowed to have dark windows to keep the car cool in hot sunny days.

Whatever I’m doing in my car is my business. So what if the police can’t see inside. They can’t see inside my home either.


bilug335 t1_jdmluon wrote

I had 14% on my rear windows and finally had to strip that this year. They are cracking down on window tint. You can have 35% legally the the three rear windows.

You can have 70% on the front windows.

NH State Law link

DMV website info on tinted windows link

Window tint waiver link

HB224 state redline link

State inspection document link

All state summary link


I tried every method I could to keep my 14% tint. I even made them show me the sensors they use, the calibration of the sensors, how the measurement is taken, etc.

I lost.

If you find a way to win, let me know.


pullyourfinger t1_jdp2otx wrote

register the car out of state, say, to an LLC you started in Montana for example (which you can start even if you never actually go there...)


lantonas t1_jdpfyct wrote

Could you spray paint your rear windows black?

Last I knew rear and rear-side windows are not required.


maggiewaggy t1_jdm8d8a wrote

Just like how my neighbor can live and work here with her West VA plates.


-Codfish_Joe t1_jdog1rl wrote

Those are actually a very considerate warning to others.


akmjolnir t1_jdmnhp0 wrote

FYI, anyone (from all 50 states) can register and receive plates from Vermont, and have them mailed to your house.


mcolorado3 t1_jdniek9 wrote

Tell me more please


akmjolnir t1_jdnjzkp wrote

I don't remember all the details, but it is simple to do, and all info/steps can be found on the Vermont DMV website.

You will pay VT sales tax on all vehicles registered in VT, FYI. They determine the tax amount based on your bill of sale or last registration.

You can also register for one or two years. I chose the two year registration.


pullyourfinger t1_jdp2r81 wrote

But have to pay 6%(?) sales tax to VT for the value of the car (which is not good if you have a somewhat valuable car...)


akmjolnir t1_jdp3vn7 wrote

Mine wasnt too expensive, I got a decent deal on it.


arimathea t1_jdqyq6m wrote

I don't quite understand how this helps. When you move to NH, your vehicle has to be registered in NH. Is the idea that you have NH plates and VT plates for the same vehicle, and just use the VT plates?

VT prohibits tint on front windows I think, but I'm just more curious about the idea of the VT plates.


akmjolnir t1_jdqzymq wrote

It's a way to have a legally registered vehicle, with a missing title, that falls within the range of needing one in NH.

It's a project car - for now - that will see limited use. I have a NH registered daily driver.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdn60e7 wrote

This is true. So. Very. True. Maybe.


akmjolnir t1_jdn7sxb wrote

I've done it. Easy peasy.

Montana might be the same way.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdnd9nu wrote

But why? Seems like an odd thing to do.


akmjolnir t1_jdner12 wrote

Bought a car with a missing title; owner had moved to a Western state, and the person who owned the garage it was stored at wanted it gone. It was a good deal on a desirable project car.

NH requires a title, but VT doesn't if the car is over 20 years old, as long as VIN is clean.

Cheaper than trying to rebuild a title.

Fun fact: during peak COVID, all VT DMVs were closed, and you could make up your own temporary tag.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdngj32 wrote

Interesting…I thought NH has a no title needed after X years, but I guess that’s wrong.

I sold a vehicle to someone from VT and the buyer put one of the plates from his own vehicle on the one he bought from me, telling me it’s “legal to do so” for 48 hours. This was 15 years ago; no idea if it’s still a thing (or ever was). 😆


akmjolnir t1_jdngwwz wrote

The car I bought was registered and the guy who sold it for his buddy to me just let me keep the old plates. I mailed them back to him after I got home; he had all my info, so it wasn't like I could get away with anything fishy.


puellasedet22 t1_jdm97e2 wrote

I moved from AZ and a trooper forced me to take my window tints off after the inspector passed them.


JoeyLou1219 t1_jdqswfv wrote

Yeahhh, no thanks. Give me a ticket if you want and I’ll see you in court but that’s absurd. Just a cop on a power trip.


Yolkozuna t1_jdma13f wrote

In my town at least 3 of the firefighters have their personal cars tinted on all windows. One I know of claimed the doctor’s note excuse. So once those “authorities” start bending the rules for themselves, it follows that the rest of us will.

As an aside, I’m not so sure I feel safe what with the first responders having such a serious disability.


sndtech t1_jdmi4hf wrote

Doctor's notes are legitimate to allow all windows tinting including the windshield.


F1zzL3_99 t1_jdndtsh wrote

Well… some of us don’t like to be seen while we’re singing our hearts out in our cars.. or picking our noses.


SIGfntik t1_jdmjil4 wrote

Well the most simple answer is simple. Laws are laws. They can be broken. I have 34% tinted front windows since the day I moved up here. That was four years ago. Don’t drive like an asshole I’m sure nobody will ever bother you.


tom_echo t1_jdp0z0u wrote

One thing that irks me about NH is the live free or die motto yet it still has a regressive state vehicle inspection. State inspection hasn’t been proven to decrease auto accidents and it’s a huge hassle on older cars. The only thing it’s good for is pushing new car sales.


choreiform_sloth t1_jdmko0z wrote

I moved here from the southwest and have not changed my windows. I love it in the summer. No one has given me a hassle about it yet.


TheTr7nity t1_jdn3kk1 wrote

Troopers don’t play, most of them actually will check your tints if they are too dark and actually make you remove them.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdn4t7w wrote

I’m not at all bothered by the existence and use of aftermarket tint…if it were up to me, I’d say “go nuts” and “black it out” — whatever works for you.

What drives me CRAZY are these (according to my sources and experiences) tidbits:

  1. If the vehicle has factory windshield tint beyond 70%, it’s acceptable. I can’t say, for sure, what cars come with darker tint from the factory.

  2. It’s against the law to apply aftermarket tint your windshield and front seat windows beyond 70%. WHY? WHY? WHY?

  3. Custom car mod entities tell you it’s illegal to go beyond 70% on the windshield and front seat windows, but they’ll do it anyway. WHAT? How do they get away with it? I understand this may cross/intersect privacy concerns (I.e, medical reasons), but am I naive to believe that if one was required to show “medical need”, would one go postal against it? I mean, you have to show proof of other things, so why not this?

  4. According to my source(s), vehicle inspection includes testing tint and other visual blockages on the windows and yet modified vehicles still pass. HUH?

In the end, this “law” seems so freakin trivial…I can’t wrap my head around it and it’s laughable that police can’t be bothered by such ridiculousness.


Adweena t1_jdo47wn wrote

It's one thing not to be able to see who is flipping you off driving, but another to have your license plate covered by a tinted cover that I see about as much as small pickups with completely fucked up drag coefficients large flags in the rear.


Boats_are_fun t1_jdm9mvp wrote

I do not like the tinted black front windows. There are times as a driver or especially as a pedestrian. It is important to be able to make eye Contact with another driver, to be sure that they can see you. With the blacked out windows that is impossible and I think it is more dangerous.

Edit: changed iContact to Eye Contact


BigMax t1_jdmbg3v wrote

iContact? Is that an iPhone app you both have to log into to figure out who has the right of way?


JohnnyRebe1 t1_jdmzwkg wrote

You must have eagle vision if you’re making eye contact with other drivers. Myself and I’d be willing to bet the farm that most of us couldn’t make eye contact with someone we’re not parked directly next to. As a pedestrian crossing the street you wait till the driver shows his intent on stopping to let you cross before you enter the roadway. I would never assume someone sees me just because they’re looking in my general direction.


plantmom_5000 t1_jdptlby wrote

I don’t understand this, a person’s expression has nothing to do with what their vehicle is doing. Not really any need to make eye contact with drivers constantly


JohnnyRebe1 t1_jdqj7wv wrote

If I need to “communicate” with another driver, that’s what headlights are for. That guy sounds like the type that goes traipsing into the road without looking then flips out because he “made eye contact”


RemainUnrustled t1_jdnhd2z wrote

I have 20% all around.. I know my mechanic pretty well and bring him a case of beer when I get an inspection. I also roll down all my windows when getting inspected


plantmom_5000 t1_jdptoko wrote

Rolling down the windows really does help? I’ve heard of other people doing this but still makes me nervous haha


RemainUnrustled t1_jdqnpv6 wrote

It’s more of a curiosity. He knows my windows are tinted and why else would I bring him a case of beer


eyehunt2 t1_jdo1b3p wrote

Complain about light sensitivity at your next eye exam, say that it impacts your driving.


pantinor t1_jdo66po wrote

Cause they are cool. Why do you care? Find a good inspector if you can't get yours too..


BigTunatoots t1_jdofda7 wrote

Live free or die. Except for tint, that’s where we draw the line.


Conserv_Millenial t1_jdoogc3 wrote

Same way it’s possible to have men competing in women’s athletics


dahwhat t1_jdp26gi wrote

Cops or friends of cops.


Witchdrdre t1_jdpfvsp wrote

My front windows are tinted. Never been a problem.


ShortUSA t1_jdpnob0 wrote

Yeah, in NH blind people can drive with a doctor's note. It's really convenient, they don't have to remove those cardboard sunscreens that on up on the dash inside the windshield.

Also, if you wink at the DMV lady you get a handicapped rear view mirror hang tag.


sgtragequit t1_jdme3t7 wrote

get it inspected then tint em


stonewallmike t1_jdn5oi2 wrote

I've never seen a plate with windows.


Allbluesleeve t1_jdmgrz3 wrote

I have my own inspection license
