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DeerFlyHater t1_jcfa51t wrote

My snowblower digs up the dirt and gravel because it is uneven. Yesterday, I was surprised I didn't break a shear pin. This is even with the scraper set up at 3/4".

I have the armor skids from snowblower skids on my Ariens Platinum 30 SHO. Mounted with the wide tip forward, the skids won't dig in. You'll need the spacers to bring it out over the hump on the side of the blower bucket. The ordering page isn't the best, so you'll have to figure out which model matches your blower.


overdoing_it OP t1_jct85va wrote

I want these.

Do you know what hole spacing and length you got? I measured with a ruler and the centers of the bolts installed right now are exactly 3 inches apart but the listing for my model ST1336DLE says 2.75".

I know some generic replacement skid shoes from Lowes fit so it's probably the same for most or all Ariens models.


DeerFlyHater t1_jctd96g wrote

My Platinum 30 SHO is 3" from the center of bolt to the center of bolt. I ordered the ASE0310-B and spacers.

The chart says do not use for ordering which I find kind of amusing, but it makes sense as I doubt the dude would have a gazillion blowers on site.

Good info on measuring and when you scroll down it has the corresponding part numbers:


overdoing_it OP t1_jctfrp1 wrote

I'll get that same model then. Home depot has it in stock with free shipping. I'll order spacers after the fact if they're needed. Thanks!


DeerFlyHater t1_jcth750 wrote

You can also make spacers with washers that you can take from that bin of spare bolts, nuts, and washers we all keep around.

You'll likely need a washer for each of the nuts anyways.