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steelymouthtrout t1_itmx17l wrote

Two junkies have sex and one got pregnant. A precious child that never had a chance. Hey way to go Lawrence family court you did a great fucking job with this poor baby. Yeah let's give her back to her junkie father so he and his junkie wife can get food stamps and other assistance. That's the only reason he wanted her.
Sick effing world. Rest in peace sweet baby. I'm sorry your parents are worthless.


BowTiedAgorist t1_itna1mu wrote

My ex worked in CPS\Child Adoptions in MA.

Some of the horror stories I heard - alot of it is driven by trying to keep the child in the family and in their neighborhood vs displacing them in foster or putting them group homes.


scarletuba t1_itnvdoe wrote

Yup, because the research indicates that most children have worse outcomes when separated from their family. It's pretty devastating... But frankly, we should use that evidence to provide more supports to those families, so they have more of a chance of getting better. I know the narrative is they don't "deserve" help, but their children do.


BowTiedAgorist t1_itnwr4m wrote

I'm not interested in handing junkies more money for junk so they can neglect their kids... The real problem is we punish parents for being poor, having low standards of living, or mental health issues - they deserve slack and support and empathy. Honestly, the all or nothing approach our CPS\Court systems take... is absurd - takes a rational decision out of people who were once paid to make rational decisions.

Dope fiends can kindly fuckoff to back allies and waste their lives on their own dime.


occasional_cynic t1_itqf04h wrote

> provide more supports to those families

Yes, just give them more and more. That will definitely solve the problem.


scarletuba t1_itrpay4 wrote

Giving them less has never worked.

Times are freaking hard, the US' bootstrap approach only works large scale for people who already have tons of innate support and are comfortable letting children suffer for their parents' problems.

Anyone who thinks there's not a causal link between poverty, drug use, child abuse, and mental illnesses is absolutely deluded. You do not solve drug problems by depriving them of more. You do not solve child abuse by drug addicts by punishing the drug users.

I'm not excusing what happened to this poor little girl, I'm not okay with anyone hurting a child, but I am arguing that punishing the adults who are in crisis is the same as punishing the child, and I am never okay hurting a kid.


WapsuSisilija t1_itpxp3f wrote

Thankfully the Executive Council is blocking comprehensive sex ed, so more they'll be more teen parents, which will create more junkies, which will create more abused kids...