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occasional_cynic t1_itqf04h wrote

> provide more supports to those families

Yes, just give them more and more. That will definitely solve the problem.


scarletuba t1_itrpay4 wrote

Giving them less has never worked.

Times are freaking hard, the US' bootstrap approach only works large scale for people who already have tons of innate support and are comfortable letting children suffer for their parents' problems.

Anyone who thinks there's not a causal link between poverty, drug use, child abuse, and mental illnesses is absolutely deluded. You do not solve drug problems by depriving them of more. You do not solve child abuse by drug addicts by punishing the drug users.

I'm not excusing what happened to this poor little girl, I'm not okay with anyone hurting a child, but I am arguing that punishing the adults who are in crisis is the same as punishing the child, and I am never okay hurting a kid.