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ctdrever t1_itq72y8 wrote

NH is a purple state. I voted for her in 2010, when I saw the legislature she supported I wouldn't vote for her again. The Republican party has completely lost its way. Republicans coddle their, right wing racism/sexism/anti-antisemitism is okay nut job base, at the expense of actual policy.

Democrats are evil, groomers, socialists, commies or whatever label will scare their base, don't elect scary democrats is the only policy.

What is their plan for healthcare, drug prices, food prices, gas prices, housing crisis, pollution and global warming?

They don't have policy only grievances and lies.


misomiso82 OP t1_itq9gb7 wrote

I think there is a low of truth in what you say: -

There is this nebulous thing the politicians call the 'center', but what they think is the center or moderate is completely different from what the public see as the center.

If the Rep's campaigned on Good Healthcare, housing, and crime, as well as the Economy, they would walk this election.

But no. Health care is still socialised according to them!



trahloc t1_itxs14x wrote

There hasn't been a good example of a single payer healthcare system. I have family in Canada and follow UK politics regarding NHS and as someone who has had to have non life threatening but very painful urgent care done within hours while seeing my family suffer for months for things that can and did kill them to get even the most basic diagnostics done. No thanks.

If we restricted it to things like broken bones and the most basic healthcare imaginable sure. But we always want to spend millions on saving one person and we simply can't afford that nationally for every single person walking on our dirt. Triage universal health care sure, but that's considered heartless so I just vote no universally.


wegandi t1_itqthb9 wrote

People keep saying this, but Dems have only had a majority trifecta (Gov, Senate, House) for 4 years in the states entire history. If you break down the last 20 years Republicans have controlled Governor, House and Senate for 11 years to Dems 4. NHites saw how awful Dem control was from 07-10. I dont foresee Dems being a trifecta majority again in my lifetime here.

As for fed elections, most of us dont care. The shittiest politicians are bussed to DC. Most NH folks care about Concord, not DC.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_itpw6c5 wrote

The 2010 election was the “tea party” wave and Obama’s first midterm. Anybody with a R next to their name (except Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell) won that year.

In 2016, Ayotte played Hokey Pokey with the Trump supporters and the never Trump republicans…so both sides of her base ended up distrusting her. She was in a no win situation, though. If she had gone full Trump, she wouldn’t have won. If she had gone full never Trump, she wouldn’t have won.


677536543 t1_its4q3m wrote

There were a lot of loyal Trump voters who didn't forgive her for publicly rescinding her support after the Access Hollywood "Grab them" tape came out. It would've been close either way, but that contributed mightily to her close loss.


Big_Size_2519 t1_ittmr1o wrote

cheshire county and sullivan and coos county lost her the race


misomiso82 OP t1_ittrj7d wrote

How so? ty


Big_Size_2519 t1_ittrl4a wrote

Trump- Hassan Voters in those counties lot of them


misomiso82 OP t1_ittrpl9 wrote

Apologies - what do you mean? People who voted for Trump but who also voted for Hassan?


Big_Size_2519 t1_ittrql5 wrote

Yup. If I can recall trump won Sullivan county but Hassan won it as well


misomiso82 OP t1_itts4d5 wrote

Do we know why? What was Hassan doing? ty


Big_Size_2519 t1_itts6ja wrote

I think it was something ayotte did that the trump voters did not like but don’t remember


Impossible-Bear-8953 t1_iu4fn5f wrote

I know I didn't vote for her after a couple shady deals she did as AG


pahnzoh t1_itqag2s wrote

Mentally ill Democrat voters.
