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billysgibbons t1_iqu1r6r wrote

I don't like him because republican policies are bad for New Hampshire.


PurpleEuphrates t1_iqu72ze wrote

Could you expand on that? I think he's been a fairly reasonable Governor even if I have my disagreements with him.


billysgibbons t1_iqu7mhc wrote

You can Google his positions yourself, I'm not your librarian or search engine.


PurpleEuphrates t1_iquay69 wrote

Well, I was trying to inquire about what you think are Sunun's bad republican policies.

Maybe you're referring to abortion, limited gun control, expansion of charter schools, a reduction in business taxes, or campaigning against public transportation. Maybe you're just referring to his vetoes of legal weed. I can't really know without you expanding on your comment.

This is a frustration I have with a lot of posts on the internet. Someone will make a statement, but not back it up at all with any evidence or context, and then they'll pretend like anyone arguing with them, or asking follow-up questions are idiots. What's the point of a discussion board if there is no discussion? It's like trying to have a conversation by yelling out the car window and driving away.


billysgibbons t1_iqubyii wrote

Youre asking me to explain a complex issue in a public forum where I cannot infer as to whether your question was in good faith, by typing with my thumbs. Forgive me for my terse response, though you nailed it on every issue you listed.