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DegenGolfer t1_iqwldux wrote

It’s cause we have easier drivers Ed and less lose driving permit laws.

Like turning 15 1/2 and being able to drive with an adult is unique to NH


deathtopumpkins t1_iqx7ipc wrote

No that's pretty common actually.

E.g. Virginia gives you your permit at 15.5, and then full license 9 months later.


gregra193 t1_iqxapdr wrote

Pretty sure a permit isn’t required in NH. You can drive with a parent and your birth certificate, basically.


deathtopumpkins t1_iqxb4rr wrote

Ah I see, I thought they were claiming the age was unique to NH, not the lack of an actual permit.


a1234321 t1_iqxb2fq wrote

I remember getting my license at 15ish. The test was an absolute joke. I think I only took right turns and one left turn to pull back into the DMV.

A friend did it with the e-brake on and still passed.

Maybe they give you more slack for doing it with a manual?